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Started by Eric UWINTWAZA Jan 23, 2014. 0 Replies 1 Like
Does someone know a firm of consultants that could respond to this appeal from Burundi?Best regards,Eric Uwintwaza.Continue
Tags: Opportunities
Started by Rituu B. Nanda. Last reply by Tarun Verma Oct 16, 2013. 9 Replies 1 Like
We have had some discussion in this group on sexual assault and rape triggered by a video shared by Tapati Dutta. Even after fatal gang rape of a young woman in New Delhi in Dec triggered an uproar,…Continue
Started by Abbas Mancey. Last reply by Elischia Fludd Jul 22, 2011. 12 Replies 2 Likes
Not sure how much public out cry this is getting in your country/ region but quite a few persons and groups are asking that Rihanna's new song "Man Down" be banned for fear it causing women and girls…Continue
Started by Nicole Rhonda Cole. Last reply by Nicole Rhonda Cole Jul 3, 2011. 4 Replies 3 Likes
The Movie "ENOUGH" starring Jennifer Lopez highlighted the fact that many Women will continue to die unless they are willing to "fight" for their lives like I did! I live because I fought "valiantly"…Continue
Hi Tapati,
I'm so happy that you volunteered to moderate the group :-) I fully support the change of name. I like both Gender Competence and Harmonious Gender Relations. I'm also happy with a more abstract name like 'Harmony' or something else.
Dear Gender Group,
I am very happy that Tapati would be co-moderating the Gender Group. While Mitu will continue to support us and will soon come back to moderate, we have another colleague joining to moderate as well.
Tapati, I liked the name Gender Competence very much. Let's see what others have to say.
Dear friends and colleagues
Would seek your feedback and ideas to metamorphose this site with a new name- Something which reflects a more positive and broader connect between gender and development and gender in development- Gender Competence (Rhyming with Community Life Competence) and Harmonious Gender Relations were some ideas....Any more ideas, please pen down :-)
Dear all,
First of aIl, let me thank all of you, especially Rituu, for introducing me to this vibrant and insightful discussion group of Community Life Competence, and now bestowing the hope that I would be able to moderate its gender group!! I would hope and try my best, and would also seek your inputs and guidance to make the discussions livelier.
To brief about me and my work, I am Tapati Dutta and have been working on issues related to public health and gender since around 13 years with an academic degree in Social Sciences. Program management, advocacy and networking, research and documentation towards promoting democratic governance with a rights based approach has been key to my role. Presently I work with International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) and prior to that I have worked with PATH India, MCH-STAR Initative and Hindustan Latex Family Planning Promotion Trust (HLFPPT). I have also been associated with campaigns/networks like the White Ribbon Alliance (India), National Alliance for Right to Education (NAFRE) and Campaign Against Child Labour (CACL).
Exposure to different settings helped me correlate the skewed gender ratio with the absence of a gender sensitive critical mass. Additionally, my academic discipline and work experience have brought me closer to people tagged as ‘high risk groups’ and ‘bridge population’ and helped me feel more strongly to each woman’s everyday struggle to negotiate safer sex. I have also gathered that though the manifestations of stigma and discrimination for HIV/AIDS might be different, its dimensions remain almost the same, with a huge social, moral, sexual and physical incapacity quotient attached to potentially high risk groups, and especially women who are disproportionately affected by the epidemic.
Through this particular ning-site, I would envisage sharing our similar and dissimilar viewpoints and ideas, building on the capacity statement, appreciate the journeys of individuals and integration of systems striving towards a more gender responsive and gender sensitive world around.
I found this article very insightful.
"Five questions for Todd Minerson"
Todd Minerson is the Executive Director of White Ribbon. He emphasizes the importance of involving men to stop violence against women.
Their two main actions are to:
- challenging negative ideas around masculinity
- uncovering deep hurts of perpetrators
Main Shakti Hoon! - CARE India celebrates 100th International Women...
CARE India’s relief and development programme reaches millions of disadvantaged women and girls in over ten states. For 60 years, we have provided improved access to health, education and sustainable livelihoods. We are a part of a global network which ensures dignity for all.
International Women’s Day
Since 1911, International Women’s Day (IWD) is a day to generate demand for equal opportunities for women to work, vote, to be trained, to hold public office and end discrimination. In the new millennium the struggle has led to significant change about women's equality and emancipation. With more women in governance, corporate, even in outer space as astronaut shows women finally have real choices.
The celebration - Main Shakti Hoon!
Join us in Dilli Haat on 5th and 6th March 2011 as we celebrate the 100th International Women’s Day. The agenda will be up shortly.
We are also running Photography and Blog Competitions as part of the celebration. Details can be found below.
Photography Competition
Theme – Strength of a woman
CARE has learned from years of experience that helping a woman means helping a family. Women are generally the caretakers and providers of nourishment to their children. They channel resources into the well-being of the household, providing food, medicine, clothing, school supplies and other basic necessities. It is our belief that every woman has the power to deliver significant change for herself, her family and her community.
Therefore images of women, mothers with their daughters and young girls working to improve their lives, their family's lives and their community are particularly important to capture. We are looking for powerful portraits of women and girls that depict the frustrating and often harsh existence that they lead. Therefore, they are not wearing smiles of content or fulfillment. But just as importantly, they do not look defeated. We see in their eyes and their posture, determination - a refusal to give up. We see that if given a bit of help and opportunity, they will unleash an amazing spirit and grow into strong, powerful members of their societies. Women are powerful in their hearts, their minds and their spirits. Their underlying potential and determination should show through like a glow of energy.
Give the photograph an innovative caption and send it to or upload it to the login id is upload and the password is tt7255ags
(If you are using Internet Explorer you might have to go to Page/ View FTP site in Internet Explorer. A new window will open and you can copy paste pictures from your desktop. The file name must contain your name. Also do include a word document with your contact details. Needless to say that it should have the same name as photo)
Last date for entries is 3rd March 2011.
Other Important Details –
• Entries shortlisted by CARE India will be displayed on our Facebook Page from 4th – 7th March.
They will be exhibited at CARE India’s International Women’s Day event on 5th and 6th March at Dilli Haat.
Entries receiving maximum online and on-spot votes at these two platforms will be selected as the winning entries.
• Announcement of winners – 8th March 2011
• Eligibility – The competition is open to all professional and amateur photographers worldwide, regardless of their age or nationality. Each participant can submit a maximum of three photographs.
• The responsibility of obtaining consent of the person being photographed rests with the photographer.
• The photographs need to be a minimum of 2 MB. You can send photos up to 4 MB to the email id and photos bigger than 4 MB can be uploaded directly to the FTP site.
• Entering the competition means that CARE will share the copyright along with the photographer. CARE will reserve the right to use the photograph for it communication purposes.
• All entries must be original.
Blog Competition
Theme: The last 100 years of activism has resulted in real choices and opportunities for women.
• You may agree or disagree with the topic and must give points to substantiate your stand
• Use a simple and meaningful headline. The best headlines are both eye-catching and content-rich.
• Keep it simple. Someone who knows absolutely nothing about this topic should understand the blog.
• The post should be free of jargon.
• You can write up to 300 words. Use Arial font in size 11, and left align the text.
• Add a good photo and write a couple of lines about yourself along with your passport size picture
• Entries to be sent to
• Last date for entries is 7th March, 2011
3 days/2 nights Getaway Packages sponsored by Kerala tourism, Certificates from CARE and others (for Internationals)
We look forward to your participation and support!
To know more about CARE India,
Visit us on:
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Read more on:
Dear Friends,
Thanks for the sharing in this group.
I was wondering if there is any experience with you in applying the Community Life Competence Process to 'Gender Based Violence'? Would love to hear from you. Friends in Tsjaad are interested to learn!
Hi Dr. Mitu,
I'm wondering what we can do to change the situation? What are the small feasible actions that we can take?
Maybe the first thing could be to talk openly with your class. Maybe you can share your feelings about what happened and express why the shouting doesn't meet your needs. You can then ask other class mates what they feel? Maybe you will discover that they do feel bad about the shouting but that they do not know what to do?
I'm thinking the Community Life Competence Process could be one way to move forward. You could propose to your class to go through the process. The process would look like this
Step 1: what is our dream for 'harmony/peace in our class'?
Step 2: what are the key practices that lead to this dream
(ex: we cultivate peace within ourself, we communicate our feelings openly, we included everyone, etc.)
Step 3: Once you have 10-15 practices, you can ask yourself: Did we reach the dream? For each of the practices, the class discusses where they are today on a scale from 1 to 5.
Step 4: Choose 3 priority practices and set a target level
Step 5: Make an action plan to move from current level to target level
You will find more information here:
If you are interested, we could see if we can find a facilitator near you who can help. In which city are you?
With love,
© 2025 Created by Rituu B. Nanda.
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