Hi friends,
I'm getting excited as we open up this platform to more and more people. Finally, finally :-) we can connect, talk, get to know each other better.
Let's brainstorm together on 'rules of play' for aidscompetence.ning! What will be the ground rules of this platform? Could everyone share at least one idea?

As SALT is the DNA of the Constellation, I propose that members will practice SALT when posting, commenting, moderating, and sharing on the platform. We can Stimulate and Support each other through the messages and discussions, Appreciate each others contributions, Learn from each other and Link to other resources whenever possible, we can Transfer what we learn to our own context and share how we transferred it.
We will soon be 5000 members (and more ;-) ) as we will start inviting all facilitators and supporters of the AIDS Competence Process. What do you think should be the 'rules of play' to make this platform a success?