For a while now I have been thinking how many of us are convinced that changing people's lives is based on our conviction first. Most of us want to see change even when ourselves are not convinced to embrasse change. I work for an organisations called Lupwa Lwabumi Trust our approach in contributing to changing peoples lives in this time of HIV/AIDS has been through building their capacity for them to change their own lives. We believe that each individual as the potential to determine their own destiny given the chance and opportunity to do, this is all about helping individuals to see their own reality and relate to it within their own setting. We do this through building family circles of care and support, as an organisation we have witnessed great change in most of the people we work with who the majority of them are women and children. However, what bothers me is that many donors seem not to appreciate this approach. I say so because I have seen initiatives that are made to give handouts appear to receive support more. I need assistance to understand this situation is it all about competence or what it? The organisation has been receiving support from this very moderate small funding agency based in the USA despite the support being little it has assisted in making big difference. what do you colleagues out there have to say?
Louis Mwewa
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