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Hello everybody!

In a few weeks i will present SALT and the proces in the Netherlands. The presentation will be for a group of youthworkers form the south of the Netherlands. (20- 30 persons)  I'm going to share some information about SALT and the proces and some peronal experiences i have with the method.

I'm looking for a short excerise in wich i can let the participant experience SALT. I would like them to reflect on their work and attitude and expand their views on their work with youngster and communities.

I have 30 minutes available for the whole presentation. So i'm looking for an excersise about 15-20 minutes.

Does anybody got some nice ideas or tips?



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Hi Gemma,

Here is my suggestion for 30 mins

You could carry paper hearts one per participant. Ask them to get into pairs. Give them 10 mins to share a personal story with each other where they overcame a challenge in their life. Then the partner will write down one strength he/she observed in the person through the story and gives this heart to the person whose strength has been identified. In the plenary ask randomly 3-4 participants to share stories showing the strengths. then connect this with SALT, that we all have strengths, so if you approach the community with this mindset the community members will feel valued and it will stimulate them to take action and so on.

You can share this Constellation virtual community especially the Dutch competence group as well as youth competence to connect with Dutch and youth from all over the world. Also constellation has worked with youth in many places like Caribbean, Nepal ( am currently working), Philippines, India etc. If you give me any area your youth group is focusing on I can give you examples.

What do you think?

Best of luck! Please do share your experience here of how you facilitated so  that we can learn from you. And photos will be very nice:-)


Hi Rituu.

Thank you for your reply. It is very helpful. The excercise is beautiful. I think it will open the hearts of the participants! I will use this in the presentation. It is a very good example of SALT. 


Hope it works Gemma. I am working with youth in Nepal.

Here is a blog how a young man used SALT in his work

Another youth group composed a song on SALT on how they changed their mindset -

You might like to share these stories when you share about SALT. then you can share examples from Europe-Belgium where youth decided to use SALT for environment issues, in Russia they used for dance for life project.


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