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CLCP/SALT facilitators & communities - Your knowledge, experience and insights needed for a small research project

My name is Karin, I am an Austrian designer and engineer and in the last years more and more a “social designer” working with students, and people in general and accompanying them on their way to find creative solutions for current issues. I am also a trained CLCP/SALT facilitator.
I am currently working on a small research project at the University of Applied Sciences Vorarlberg/Austria, that is dealing with phase transitions - so I am looking at events, at moments of transition when an individual, a community, an organisation moves from one (relatively) stable state to another - and the supporting processes, mindsets and "climates".
The topic became of interest during the Corona crisis, as we observed communities and neighbourhoods who started to work on their own solutions, approaches and support activities.
For the work I am looking at 3 different sets of communities 1) communities working with SALT, 2) a community that is also self-organised but works with a different approach and 3) a local neighbourhood in Austria.
Here is where you and your experience come in - as SALT facilitators and communities applying SALT.

Could you spare some minutes and fill in the questionnaires?
If you are a Constellation member or facilitator:…/1qTuY12ZZsiSHQX_afk6Ta2_Lez…/edit…

If you are a member of a community applying SALT:…/1kRqPwybmGsCgyqT1NjyJELXzlv…/edit…

Thanks for your valuable time and contribution.

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