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Case Lead for Most Unheard Communities in the Philippine HIV Response

In the spirit of community competence, the Philippine NGO Support Program and the Philippine National AIDS Council would like to explore and recognize success stories at the grassroots particularly efforts and initiatives of communities that has not been documented and shared that contributes to the National response to HIV and AIDS and the country's committments to the UNGASS declaration and the MDGs.

I am inviting constellation and aidscompetence members to share their thoughts in this forum on what a community-driven response is and how we can mentor communities and their emerging leaders in documenting their stories of local response in the areas of knowledge sharing, policy advocacy and service delivery worthy of integration. Furthermore, to discuss and validate the criteria for "most unheard voices" with the goal in identifying them and help them bring out their unheard voices.

Best Case Lead Mechanics 

Submission Guidelines

PHANSuP invites you to submit an abstract of a successful community-based HIV-related projects or activities with the active participation of community groups (CBGs) that “brings out unheard voices” from communities of people living and affected with HIV and those at – risk of infection. We will be selecting 7 best case lead, 2 for people living with HIV, 1 for LGBT, 1 for street youth, 2 for prostituted people, and one for people who inject drugs. The best case lead will be selected and developed into learning cases for training and advocacy for the community engagement strengthening for the Philippine HIV response or CES4PHR Part 2 project.

The Project (Part 2) aims to set-up a functional online electronic community engagement platform (e-CEP) for community-based groups (CBGs) working in the HIV sector. Such platform should serve as a venue to develop and share knowledge and information (through an e-newsletter), to promote CBG initiatives, and to highlight and push key advocacy agenda crucial in the country’s HIV response.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Targets the “most unheard” communities, (see criteria for selecting most unheard community)
  • Local and National community-based groups and local service providers from LGUs and NGOs working with the “most unheard communities” may submit an abstract using the sample format.
  • Each abstract is submitted individually with two co-authors, one from the community and one from the institution from public and/or private institution. 

Case Lead Criteria

1. Relevance/Significance

a. Project must convey relevance to own mission, vision, and values.
b. Initiative must support the principle of community engagement of people living with HIV     and those at-risk of infection
c. Cases should cover any of the 3 engagement focus (i) knowledge management, (ii) policy advocacy, (iii) and service delivery
d. Cases should target at least one community per engagement focus. 2 for people living with HIV, 1 for LGBT, 1 for street youth, 2 for prostituted people, and one for people who inject drugs

2. Approach/Methodology

a. Participation of communities of unheard voices (people living with HIV and those at-risk of infection) in the conceptualization, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation is demonstrated
b. Tailored messages and approaches to distinct and unique needs of communities of unheard voices (people living with HIV and those at-risk of infection) were addressed

3. Lessons Learned/Conclusions

a. Impact to sustainability/possible sustainability
b. Implications to current policies and response
c. Relevance to your own  community/sector/group's vulnerability and capacity

Case lead format download here: CES4PHR Best Case Lead Entry Format.doc
Criteria and nomination for most-unheard community and emerging leader download here: CES4PHR criteria for community partnership final.doc

Submit entry to on or before December 31, 2010

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