
56, Female



Profile Information:

Constellation for AIDS Competence
About Me:
I have the privilige to work in the Constellation Support Team. Besides that I am Marlou. Born in the Netherlands 42 years ago, now having my home in France together with Raymond and our four children. Most of all I enjoy the days where the worlds of 'work' and 'life' meet.
My dream:
A Constellation of people and communities making this world a bright place to be. Starting from my own little stars at home.
I'm proud of:
My friends in so many places of the world, all working towards the same goal - all in our own context and from our own strength.

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  • Ricardo Walters


    Happy Birthday from Mozambique! I hope your day was a good one, and that you were spoiled by friends and family. Every best wish for a spectacular year - that you will grow ever deeper in wisdom and stature, and favour.
  • bernice Maria Obasi

    Hi Marlou,

    Here's me at last, thanks to constant reminders from Laurence. Good seeing you too!

  • bernice Maria Obasi

    I couldn't agree more with the established friendship between us, Marlou. Belated happy birthday!
  • septiawan.ayyep

    Dear Marlou,
    Firstly I Wanna Say Thank's 4 ur comment
    I'm glad 2 be ur best friend...
    Marolu,Can U Speak in Bahasa?...

    Best Regards 4 All There...
    C U
  • septiawan.ayyep

    Hi Marlou,
    Tidak masalah,saya rasa kemampuan berbahasa Marlou cukup Bagus.Senang sekali saya bisa berkenalan denganmu dan salam untuk Keluargamu semua ya...
  • Yesua Yones D.K.Pellokila

    thanks Marlou for your warm welcome
    hope to meet you in Indonesia
  • Ryan

    Thank you Marlou for that wonderful welcome message. Indeed, it was a very warm welcome for a newbie like me. I know I'll enjoy being a member of this site. I hope to see you in the future in one of our activities.
  • Andryansyah Arifin

    Dear Marlou,
    I am glad to be a member of this constellation site. Thank you very much for your warm wellcome message. Please do not forget to visit Surabaya when you come back home to Indonesia.
    Best regards,
  • Yda de Guia

    hi marlou and rest of the aids competence member i am very thankful that you have accepted my application, this little one in my photo is one of my sibblings her name is azumi she is second to the youngest of my sibblings. hope i can help throughout your battle and i hope to see you all in personal again thank you!!
  • Meera Mishra

    Hi Marlou,
    Thanks for the welcome note. I enjoyed my virtual tour of the Aids competence home- saw some familiar names and faces and read some interesting blogs. Glad also to connect directly with you after being on common emails with Bobby and Gaston.
  • Cecilia Rina Haryanti

    Thank you Marlou for the birthday wish :)
  • Shahid Mallick

    Dear Malou,

    Many thnks for for your good advice and very very sorry for responding so late here goes my photo
  • Diakanua Ludi Tomatala Gaylord

    Dear Marlou, thanks for your welcoming words, hoping more team interactions.
  • Kalana

    Thank you very much Marlou
  • Dr Rajesh Gopal


    A work profile in picture !

    Just that it is not a drudgery but an extremely pleasant pursuit!!!
  • Myrna A. Maglahus

    Thank you so much Marlou! I had a "silent" birthday. munching on pinoy veggies and fish together with family. Thanks again!
  • Marion Zibelli

    Hi Marlou. I am so happy to join you all in the ning! I feel a little lost right now and need to get used to the site to be able to use the tools but I trust that it will not take too long. I'm looking forward to sharing with you all through the ning! Muchos besos de Barcelona. Marion
  • Cati Vawda

    Dear Marlou,

    Thank you for the informative mini-tour welcome. I am trying to make enough time to read and digest the wealth of offerings that this vibrant community has shared.

    Looking forward to learning from all.

    Warm regards,
  • bob nebrida

    Hi, Marlou...thanks for confirming my membership...
  • Alain DIBAKANGA Zolana

    Elle n'a que 8 ou 9 ans, orpheline de père, sa mère s'est remariée à tshikapa, et la petite Bellefie vit chez sa grand-mère partenelle. Elle se retrouve aujourd'hui avec le sida! Elle vient d'être accusée de sorcière parceque les affaires dans cette famille ne marche pas comme il fallait et sa cousine de moins d'une année était sérieusement malade qui a poussé la famille d'aller consulter une Eglise...Mais,certains membres de sa famille pense faire quelque chose, malgrè le manque de moyen.Déjà, à l'hôpital Kimbanguiste de kimbanseke, elle a été consulté et suivie par le medecin,mais, la petite n'est prise en charge, et le medecin le propose d'aller à l'hôpital général de kinshasa, mais, la famille ne sait pas que faire parcequ'elle n'a pas de moyen.
    Hier,son oncle partenel est venu solliciter l'assistance pour la recherche d'une prise en charge socio medicale à la fille qui a le droit d'être assister et nous avons nous le devoir d'assister Bellefie...
    Cet oncle est convaincu que, Bellefie ne pourra pas rester sans assistanct malgrè le soit disant du pasteur...
    A tous les compétents, cet appel...
    Que faire pour Bellefie?
  • Rituu B. Nanda

    Hi Marlou,

    Just a hi. How are you doing? A different way to connect, eh!

    Warm regards,

  • Alain DIBAKANGA Zolana

    Salut SALT,
    Je vous annonce que la petite BELLE FIE a été orientée depuis hier, au centre AMO CONGO, de N'djili Q/7 et bénéficiera de la prise en charge médicale de ce centre, ceci après la confirmation de test VIH qui a démontré la présence du virus dans son sang.Elle sera donc aujourd'hui à leur centre de kasa vubu pour passer au test déterminant la charge virale, un test CD4 et autres tests, et pourra commencer les ARV qu'après les résultats de ceux-ci.
    Ce qui reste maintenant, c'est d'être près de la famille pour la motiver et soutenir du côté nutritionnel et autres, car, il a été demandé à la famille de bien assurer l'alimentation de Bellefie, chose un peu difficile pour la famille, mais sa grand mère a promis qu'elle fera tout malgré sa situation socio économique, et bien vous aussi, vous pouvez la soutenir...Vous, c'est tout celui qui se sent disposer à assister cette fillette de 9 ans qui passe cette année en 3 ème primaire, malgré son état.
    Les examens exigés, à kasa vubu, on doit amener 10$, qui semble déjà être difficile à être trouver...
    A vous de réagir!
    La grand mère de Bellefie vous remercie tous pour ce que vous avez fait pour BELLEFIE!
    Qui, maintenant, est entre les mains d'un médecin.
  • zoengpari

    Hi Marlou...
  • Alain DIBAKANGA Zolana

    Salut Marlou,
    La lutte continue!
    Je veux avoir votre aide pour partager avec les collègues anglophones, est-ce qu'il y a un moyen pour traduire les messages qui sont en anglais.
  • Souvik Ghosh

    Its my pleasure to be a part of this group. although I am not much e-person, still I will try to keep updating about my own experience working with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual population in West Bengal and India as well.

    Looking forward

  • Dr Diwakar Tejaswi

    Thanks for the welcome note.
    Will keep in touch.
  • khorchi laurie

    Hi Merlou,

    Thank for your fast answer, that's very kind!

    I would like to participate aby AIDS or life competence event.
    I will probably soon go to genova,beacause i have some friend's living there and then it would be very nice to meet you to!
    I will let you know if my plans become more concrets.
  • J.Kallappa

    Thank you Marlou it is real humanity iam lot of happy
  • Fiona Latoya Fandim

    Hi Marlou thank you for the welcome. I am looking forward for the fascinating learning experience. Its a pleasure to be part of the big community, will keep in touch.

    Kind Regards
  • Marc

    thanks for your comments and tips. I will add a pic soon..
  • Moses M.Bull

    Thanks so much for this kind of warm welcome into this community life competence chart.Stay bless until our Lord Jesus Christ come's
  • Sophie Kotanyi

    Dear Marlou

    Tanks for your reaction and well come greetings.
    No I have not jet contact with Virgilio and Ricardo in Mozambique; could you put me in direct contact ? takes too much time to search them in the member list. I would like to comunicate with them directly. The question is, if I invite the colleges with who I work and worked in Mozambique the last years, who are active in several ONGs...however, I have still to understand better the tools of Compétence, which seam to be similar to our approch based on Paulo Freire acknowlegment of people own knwolege which we valorize as the starting point, supporting a respectfull cultural approach of HIV/AIDS and health search.
  • Sophie Kotanyi

    Tanks a lot Marlou. I will do that. Wish you a good day !
  • Anupam Das

    Thanks a lot Marlou. I am doing that. Best of wishes...have a nice day
  • Myrna A. Maglahus

    Thank you Marlou...Yes, i am now becomiing competent in facebook and skype. =) I learn something new everyday.

  • Myrna A. Maglahus

    Marlou, jesus! I realized I am commenting to a greeting you sent May last year. I apologize, it took me a whole year to read it! anyway, I hope that greeting hasn't expired yet =)
  • Anupam Das

    Thanks a lot Marlou, I have updated my profile and have started the journey of sharing experiences
  • Raghuveer

    Dear Marlou,
    Thank you very much for your comment and welcoming me as a member. I am sure that I respect your comment and upload my pic. sooner. I am looking forward for the fascinating learning experience. Its a pleasure to be part of the big community, will keep in touch.
    Raghuveer P.
    South India.

    Dear Marlou,
    It is a while since I heard from you. I met Francien today and it was nice to talk about you. I am Organising my wedding scheduled for October 23rd 2010 in Entebbe U ganda. I would like you to be among my guests on that day.
    Otherwise I hope all is with you and your family.
    I will be sending you information about my work in the Community. In the mean time you can visit our website

    My regards to your family
  • Vichet LOK

    Dear Marlou, I am so happy to be a friend with you. will keep in touch with you whenever I have free time.
  • Gusto Aihan

    Dear Marlou
    thanks to your text. I am not well educated and my English very poor. since I joined in PLWHA peer support group in December 2008, I see and learn about what do we afraid of. since june 2009 I am the coordinator one of 4 PLWHA peer support group in my home island. I take that opportunity as way to empower my self and empower others. I have done some activity that community very afraid of. then I share that experienced to the community.
  • Gusto Aihan

    Dear Marlou

    Around March 2009,at the room 234 of general hospital of NTB. There was a house wife, whom her first husband heritage her HIV. Her husband passed away caused by tuberculosis infection opportunistic (it could seem the trigger is HIV). She lived in the countryside; it took 10 hours ride by car to reach her village. She worked as the farmer for some else rice field. Her first husband was a migrant worker (in Malaysia as coconut plantation keeper). In her second married, she started having frequent illness. She detected had HIV. Her second husband is staying negative up to now. She got the treatment for IO and also had the ART. When she had better condition she went back to her home village. On May 2009 I met her again in the same room, she told me that her husband prohibited her to consume ARV. Her husband thought, that ARV gave her wife another diseases (the fact that was only light side effect). They are both uneducated and low knowledge of heath and hygienic life and also part of poverty. Half an hour before, she released her last breath. She apologized to me because she broke her promised to keep the adherent in her days. She also gave me a question about her child future. She passed away right before my eyes. And my tears flew when I heard the cried of her mother( the only person whom took care of her while she was as hospitalized) and her seven years old son( also accompanied his mother and grand mother in hospital). That situation inspire me to empower PLHIV.
  • Gusto Aihan

    terima kasih
  • Rituu B. Nanda

    A warm welcome to the peace competence group! You are our 50th member:-)
  • Rituu B. Nanda

    Lovely photo, Marlou!
  • thuon nary

    Dear Malou

    Thank you so much for supporting. I remain transfer  SALT Knowlegde to my college and

    other NGOs's staff who are working with HIV/AID.


    Many Thanks



    Dear Malou,

    You are doing an excellent job.

    With regards,

    Venkat Reddy


  • Delroy Nesta Williams

    thanks Malou... as always, salt in all we do