Many thanks for your note! Its wonderful to connect with you again. Thanks for your interest in CHP. Its work focuses on knowledge-based mobilisation with a specific goal to create sustainable change. You can find more on the organisation and its work at I have just returned from the 5th APCRSH meet in Beijing. It was a good conference. I look forward to sharing lots on this great platform and learning all about your work and what you are doing now. Warmly, Ash
Ash Pachauri
Many thanks for your note! Its wonderful to connect with you again. Thanks for your interest in CHP. Its work focuses on knowledge-based mobilisation with a specific goal to create sustainable change. You can find more on the organisation and its work at I have just returned from the 5th APCRSH meet in Beijing. It was a good conference. I look forward to sharing lots on this great platform and learning all about your work and what you are doing now. Warmly, Ash
Oct 29, 2009
Rituu B. Nanda
Feb 10, 2011
how r u
Apr 23, 2011