Paulo Freire Institute - Germany and Culturam Mozambique
About Me:
I am an anthropologist working in Africa since 1976 in divers countries (Cap vert, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique and short in Uganda, Rwanda) on several issues concerning popular (rural and urban) communities. Working on development issues, on traditional conflict resolution with traditional authorities, on mental and social health, specifically HIV/AIDS. I am also a communication specialist of dialogue through the respect of each person culture and knowledge. I am interested to support a cultural sensitive approach of HIV, AIDS and several other health or conflict treatment issues.
My dream:
To facilitate the dialogue allowing more respect of each culture, supporting the bridging between diverging paradigms and diverging approaches, in a spirit of recognition of the positive values of each approach. A world of respect of diversity. A inclusive approach which does not stigmatize the otherness.
I'm proud of:
Professionally, between others, to have had opportunity to share the life experiences of people in divers African (and European) countries, documenting their life (realisation of several films in Cap Vert, Guinea Bissau and Mozambique) and researching and learning with peasants (in Cap Vert 1976-1981; and Guinea Bissau between 1987-1994), chiefs, traditional authorities, traditional practitioners, initiation rites counsellors/teachers, nurses, few medical doctors, anthropologist, linguist, religious leaders, community facilitators in several provinces in Mozambique (between 1997-2010).
I am certainly also proud of my wonderful daughter.
Rituu B. Nanda
A very happy birthday Sophie! Lots of love.
Jul 21, 2012
Rituu B. Nanda
A very happy birthday dear Sophie! I miss our interactions. All my best wishes. Have a great birthday.
Jul 23, 2013
Rituu B. Nanda
Hi Sophie, how are you doing? where are you? Warm hello!
Jun 25, 2015