I am 25 and I am a student at forestry university at Jatinangor Sumedang.
My dream:
I want realized make wonderful life beetween human with respect to each other and respect about different people,religion,etc...and I want to Stop HIV AIDS with (save the message and stop the virus).And I wanna be active at environtment program like go green and how to minimalize global warming effect...
HI thanks for your comment, Yeah lets go paint the town GREEN instead of Red. Hep,hep hooooray for green lovers, flowers and all, go for beauty truth and justice! been to indonesia twice and loved it there, Particualarly glad that your greener than manila in the philippines. but were still lucky wherever we are in the world!
Bless you!
Feb 27, 2009
Caca Carillo
Bless you!
Mar 5, 2009
Rituu B. Nanda
A very happy birthday Septiawan!
Sep 25, 2012