
56, Female



Profile Information:

Constellation for AIDS Competence
About Me:
I have the privilige to work in the Constellation Support Team. Besides that I am Marlou. Born in the Netherlands 42 years ago, now having my home in France together with Raymond and our four children. Most of all I enjoy the days where the worlds of 'work' and 'life' meet.
My dream:
A Constellation of people and communities making this world a bright place to be. Starting from my own little stars at home.
I'm proud of:
My friends in so many places of the world, all working towards the same goal - all in our own context and from our own strength.

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  • Novianty

    Dear Marlou...

    For me it still on the learning process of ACP, i am and local aids commission are preparing local budget for AIDS program including ACP, for local aids commission up here we are try to practice self assessment to see where we are and how we can change together as an organization...O ya, u said there will be a knowledge fair in chiang mai, what is the purpose of that event? is it regular event of constellation?..

  • rebeka sultana

    dear Marlou, Today I visited your page and that is so cool......a t-shirt in the wash line! I liked it. I heard that you work from kitchen, i can visualize it. You might heard I ama good visualizer!!
    sendme pictures of you in the kitchen working.
    I have not had any SALT visit yet. Went to Merauke for the workshop. We are planning tohave a SALT visit during second week of November. I am looking forward to it.
  • rebeka sultana

    hi, i have been waiting and thought that a discussion will be initiated by you this week so we will share our questions, clarifications, concerns on salt process. I know I have not asked you for this. I need help to know SALT more. How do i do that?
  • rebeka sultana

    Thanks Marloue.
    Yeah i am 40 and have two beautiful children, 16 and 12.
  • Jayakar

    Thanks for your mail, Marloue I am encouraged by your words.
  • Luc Barriere-Constantin

    Thank you for the welcome. Still in Chiang mai?? The "long-distance" runner was more an image than something totally real although I started to run again. But I just wonder if I am not running after myself... Thsi image wanted to say that "there is still a long way to go... to have ACP around the world. But let's strive for it!
    I am really looking for meeting Jean-Louis next week. You won't be with us?
    All the best to everybody.
  • Onesmus Mutuku

    Thank you Marlou,
    Will post more.
  • David Lauzon


    I'm glad you like it! Keep putting efforts in making a better world.

  • M.L. Prabakar

    Dear Marlou,

    Thanks for the warm welcome. I am very glad to be here. I am really eager to meet more people who are practicing ACP to learn and share. Coming to your question "Marlou" its a short form of my surname. The names of both my grand fathers and my Father is in it. "Martin and Louis" are the names and I have taken the first 3 letters from it. Is "Marlou" your given name. It feels so good to meet someone with the same name.

    Take care, with warm regards,

    Prabakar (Marlou... Ha Ha...)
  • M.L. Prabakar

    Dear Marlou,

    It is really nice to know that. It is verymuch the same with a slight difference.
    I saw your mail to Dr. Indumathi, my Director. She is attending the conference at DAKAR, where ACP is also in the agenda. I am really thrilled because she is interested in ACP and this sharing and learning will really add a lot of value to our efforts. May I know who will be representing the constellation at this conference. I was delighted to see my name and the work we do in the list of HIVOs partners in ACP. Please add my colleagues name (Mr. J. Robin) too. as of now we are the two but shortly I will introduce some more practitioners from our organisation.

    with warm regards,

  • M.L. Prabakar

    Dear Marlou,

    I was touched. I had been addressed by my surname only twice in my life. Now it is you who is addressing me with both my names. Thanks. This name was my given name, as well as my surname and everybody called me Prabakar because you If they call me Martin or Louis it will be like calling my Grand fathers or my father by their name. In our culture it is disrespectful to call elderly people by their names. So my family comfortably called be Prabu ( a short version of Prabakar). Please continue to to call me Marlou.

    Thanks for the information. I also thought that Dr. JLL will be there I am so delighted. All the best for all our freinds in the planning for 2009.
    Take care,

    MARLOU :)
  • Meble Birengo

    Hey there Marlou,

    Thanks for the intro notes from you and JL, I really appreciate. I am in the process of establishing the Kenya Competence face as well, am on it with Laurence adn we woudl be up and running even though we are just taking small steps.

    I also have a blog address which has been running since May, will share that as well, but I am excited about this new connection and what it will mean for the dev of the Kenya Competence. I am sure April has already mentioned and through JL as well that our core-team will nolonger be functioning as of 31 June next year. If you pray, please pray for all of us and know that I am would be more available from June, its most likely going to be hecktic between Jan to June as we wrap up a 30year experience in six months.

    Thanks for the encouragments and I will definatley join in the other links. I see you called M.L Prabakar by his names and he is impressed. You can call me Meble.
  • Meble Birengo

    Thanks Marlou,

    I actually have a blogspot which I actually update here and there, but since I have been away and on leave havent worked on it yet it begins way in May when I was in Bangladesh if you have time check it out

    I am trying to find ways not have tons of web connections everywhere.... so trhat there is effiency, I will definately add a photo, Nairobi is becoming hotter and April and I have been in office since morning, our eyes are on the zone! - catch up tomorrow...


  • Jean Delion

    Chère Marlou,

    merci, au plaisir de partager sur le réseau. Amitiés à Jean-Louis.

  • Meble Birengo

    Thanks about the Photo - havent completely made up my mind to use it, but it can stay there as i set up the rest of the stuff for us

    Thanks for the hard work you and Laurence and others are doing for the constellation. If no one appreciates your efforts, please know that I do.

    Will check out the coaches forum.

  • shakilla K. Umutoni

    Dear Marlou,

    Thanks for the warm welcome! I hope to learn more...and share more...
    Kindest regards,

  • shakilla K. Umutoni

    hmmm is it nice? That was last year in Egypt, near the pyramids!

    Take care,

  • Renaud Boulet

    Hi Marlou, Thanks a lot for the welcoming message, it really feels like entering a great community. It's the first time that I'll belong to an online group like this one... Hope I'll be able to contribute, learn and share experiences from here in Vancouver.

  • Ibrahim Kamara

    Thank you very much for the comments.

    I have already started inviting friends that are currently doing very well in promoting the competence process in Sierra Leone.

    We will surely utilize the platform opportunities well.

    My best regrds

  • Eric baudrey Mampouya

    Thanks a lot Marlou I hope to be in touch every time.
  • Joseph Senesie

    Season's greetings Marlou! Thank you for welcoming me to this discussion forum.
  • bernice Maria Obasi

    How del;ighted I am to be here, Marlou! Many thanks for your warm welcome. Look for more of us from the Caribbean soon...
  • Diederick Janse

    Thanks for your comment Marlou, I'm glad to have joined (through an introduction by Gaston). I'll have a browse around the place and see where I can contribute...
  • Zimmbodilion Mosende

    Thanks Marlou! I've been blogging since 2005 and there were several invitations to use ning. Now I finally succumb to it because it a worthy cause... spreading AIDS Competence in communities!

    Will definitely maximize the experience and hope to learn too.

    I am with our youngest son. He is mistaken to be a girl because of his long hair!
  • John

    Thanks Marlou. This network is really something. I think i will be learning a lot from the experiences of others in their journey towards AIDS competence. I hope i can bring in my share as well for others to learn. Happy new year.
  • Orratai Rhucharoenpornpanich

    Thanks Marlou! I'm glad to get back here too. Will join a group sometim e as I can. I'm so happy with all members of the aidscompetence especially you. Wishing you and your family have a beutiful days throughout this new year.
  • Virgilio Suande

    Thanks marlou, it make sense and in a short time my photo will be there so that others can realy see and connect .

    be blessed
  • Alex Osterwalder

    Hi Marlou, it's wonderful to see the Constellation using Ning. Congratulations! Please do knock on my door if you want to talk about business models. My book on the topic should be out end of May...

    Warm hello from freezing cold Switzerland (-6C)
  • Elizabeth Musimbi

    Hi Marlou, thank you for welcoming me in the world of AIDS Competence.
    I will add my photo as you have said so that you can see the one you are talking too.
    I will be very glad to share stories with you. The facilitation team has helped me alot. The first time I took Africa Nazarene University students to Kithituni for SALT visit, it was very exciting and we learned a lot. This has prompted me to work with our local churches and look for the way forward of how we can listen to the concerns in the community and also appreciate what they are doing. We are now part of the FBO coaltion in Kenya and it working well.
  • Rituu B. Nanda


    Love the new profile. Lovely picture. Getting to see Bali through your lens.


  • MariJo

    Dear Marlou,
    The Blended Learning in Barcelona has not yet taken off because of personal issues of members, but we hope to be fully involved soon. We plan to have a team meeting next week and I guess that a more realistic plan will come out of it.
    Of course, I am willing that all the members of the Barna (Barcelona) team will be part of the Ning community. I am sure they will show up soon.
  • Francien Scholten

    Thank you Marlou, for the invitation, I am still trying to feel at home in the virtual constellation home, there is lot out there but the athmosfere is warm, so I will keep looking around meet you soon again
  • Bernard Gardiner

    Marlou it would be great if you could drop in to the IFRC office next time you are in Geneva and have lunch of a coffee. It is a long time since we have caught up.
  • Bernard Gardiner

    I am so out of date. I will be in Bangkok for the Harm Reduction Conference, 16 April to 23 April 2009. Is that event on your agenda?
  • Diakanua Ludi Tomatala Gaylord

    Dear Malou, really it's a real pleasure for me reading you in the beggining of this New Year by stimulating me to me more active within the team, hope things shall work out well in this Year to meet the needs and expectations of team-mates.
  • Sirinate Piyajitpirat

    Thanks very much, Marlou. I do really enjoy being part of the Constellation...meeting so many nice and interesting people though all coaches as yet. Hope one day we will have opportunity to all meet at the same time.


  • Risya Kori

    Thanks Marlou,

    The picture was taken in 2007 in Halmahera Island, North Maluku. One of the most beautiful island in Indonesia. I will put the story in blogs.
  • Zoengpari

    Thanks Marlou..... see you soon in flesh an blood... and a pinch of
  • John Rwomushana

    Dear Marlou,
    Thank you very much for welcoming me to this wonderful platform.
  • Magdalene Kelel

    Thank you for welcoming me
  • Thuo

    Thanx 4 the warm welcome...
  • Cyril Pervilhac

    Hi Marlou, thanks and sorry to respond so late. Submerged by mails and special requests but hope AIDS Competence is part of my weekly life (at least 1/ wk)!! All the best to the whole family and Raymond looks great.
    Biz, Cyril
  • Ibrahim Kamara

    Dear Marlou,
    Thank you very much for sharing this good news with me.

    It is wonderful. I am sure they will benefit from it.

    My best regards

  • miel nora


    This site is great.
    Avenue for knowledge sharing and one means of updating one another.
    Let us maximize the web to support one another. thanks!

  • Greg Gray

    Hi Marlou ... I have seen your name so many times around and for some reason I always thought you were male! So totally agree about the need to post photos am adding some soon and hope to meet at the Fair this coming weekend
  • catherine

    Hallooo, As i climb this wonderful Platform can't afford the words to express ma joy For the great invitation. I'm looking forward to Learning, Acknowledging, sharing and being a productive member of the NING.Thank you Very much
  • Sanghamitra Iyengar

    Dear Marlou
    I have attachesd the photo many times. It does not upload!!
    :( sanghamitra
  • Prakash Chandra Pradhan

    I got the opportunity to learn more from others
  • Novianty

    Hi Marlou...

    Sorry for very late reply ur message...Its been a hard day for me this 2 months actually...I am good and how r u??...Hows the IKF doin?? i just heard from Gyna about IKF, and very jealous coz i couldnt attend the workshop...Anyway great to hear the passion there...Thats what we need rite?? Passion and enthusiasm..Yuuuuhhuuuuuuu...Anyway miss u around Ning...I am Back..kekekekekkekeke

    With Luv
  • Sunil

    Hi Marlou

    Thanks for welcoming me. I look forward to a long and meaningful association.
