M.L. Prabakar


Chennai, Tamil Nadu


Profile Information:

M.L. Prabakar
How did you know about Constellation community?
Through friends in The Constellation
Self Employed
About Me:
I am Prabakar, I live in Chennai, India. I am married and I have a son. I believe that all of us are surely gifted with different strengths. The real success lies in we identifying it or others identifying it in us and build on it. This was true in my own life. My relatives, my friends, my family and my guides identified specific strengths in me and made it tangible to me. This actually strengthened me and helped me to grow.
My dream:
To identify the unique qualities, skills and Potential in every individual and enable them to see them, build them and utilize the to the full potential to take control of their own lives to build the same in others around them, helping them to lead a life safe and secured life, free from violation, exploitation, violence and poverty.
I'm proud of:
All those who had identified unique strengths in me and trusted me with great things.
I am proud of myself when I identify the unique strengths in people and share it with them with appreciation.
I am proud and thankful to all those whom I educate, Counsel, Mentor, treat, teach and train as in the end they leave me with a treasure of learning which could not have been possible without their valuable presence.
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  • Gaston

    Thanks Prabakar for your nice message to the CAD community. Wonderful and I hope to connect soon with you again in person. Cheers from a freezing cold Belgium.
  • Rituu B. Nanda

    A warm welcome to youth competence and against Gender based violence groups!
  • Rituu B. Nanda

    Hi Prabakar,


    A warm welcome to Asia Pacific competence group. Happy to see you here:-) We have had so many discussions on how much we can learn from teams in the region and now we have a platform for this.

