
43, Male

Chiang Mai


Profile Information:

Gaston Schmitz
the Constellation for AIDS Competence
About Me:
I am 29 years old and from the Netherlands. I have 3 brothers of which 1 twin brother, two great parents and a great dog called ' Baloe' . My background is in International Management. I almost worked for a large multi-national in the field of Marketing, but switched to the development cooperation sector. I did a second Master in Development Studies, worked in Mozambique for Unilever, in the Philippines for a NGO and for a Dutch NGO in post-conflict areas such as Kosovo, Bosnia and Sierra Leone. Since January 2008 I am working for the Constellation as the facilitator for ' Transfer'. This means facilitating the transfer of our approach and mindset to other people, organizations, topics and of course my own community and family :)

Working for the Constellation is not really work. It is reflecting, appreciating and trying to be as happy as possible in my work. If I do my work mindful, the results of my work come naturally and my learning curve is steeper than ever before. So, let's enjoy every bit of our work and look for strenghts!
My dream:
My dream is to explore more cultures and communities around the world and keep on learning from them.

A more materialistic dream is to go snowboarding in Alaska with my friends :)
I'm proud of:
I have learnt to take much better care of myself the last years. I feel my body and mind and take up signals much better. I am able to enjoy small moments much more than before. And I am proud that I climbed my first 7A route last weekend :)

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  • Rituu B. Nanda

    Thanks Gaston for sharing on Ning. You bring a great deal of positive energy.

  • Rituu B. Nanda

    Gaston, you are featured on this platform for your active participation on this network as well as contribution to the Constellation. thank you!

  • Rituu B. Nanda

    Thanks Gaston for you message for Gloria. Hope the Mauritius mission is going well. What has been the high moment for you so far?