Meble Birengo




Profile Information:

Meble Birengo
Kenya Competence Trust
About Me:
I am a share facilitator with KCT - I enjoy designing, selling and purchsing jewellery, I am fascinated by fresh encounters with people and being part of their achievements. Desire for greater involvement with churches and mostly young people. Creative arts are one of my passions. I also enjoy writting articles for, for all the perfect gift ideas, and run a business blog and a personal blog I am greatly motivated and ifluenced by good leadership, strong faith,friendship, growth,kindness,and change.
My dream:
That all communities will atleast have basic knowledge on HIV/AIDS, the facts - what is right and what is wrong, there are very many misconceptions.
I'm proud of:
Our communities in Africa and the resilience they continue to show in regard to HIV/AIDS and other issues. The idea of family and peace at home is so evident in African communities even in this crisis. This makes me proud.

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  • Benjamin Foster

    Hi Meble

    Thanks for the welcome. Hope to use this method to stay in touch and up to date on all that you wonderful people are doing. Perhaps even have opportunity to comment every now and then.

    Trust that you are doing and keeping well.

    Blessing....Dad Foster
  • ann njeri

    hae meble.thanks alot.m looking forward to meet you sometime.always inform me when you have meetings so i can
  • Rituu B. Nanda

    Thanks Meble for responding to Charles. Appreciate it very much.