Jennifer Lentfer

Washington, DC

United States

Profile Information:

Jennifer Lentfer
About Me:
Jennifer Lentfer has worked with over 300 grassroots organizations in east and southern Africa over the past decade, focusing on organizational development and learning. Currently, she is the creator/editor of, a blogsite aimed at putting real resources behind local means of overcoming obstacles.
My dream:
Rather than being the lowest common denominator of international assistance, local, indigenous organizations are regarded as the fundamental unit of effective development aid and are recognized as vital to achieving demand-driven development that can genuinely challenge power asymmetries and unleash social change.
I'm proud of:
Jennifer's work is an expression of a professional, but more importantly, a personal resolve to support aid practitioners to become more effective in facilitating the development of sovereign local organizations and social movements.

Comment Wall:

  • Laurence Gilliot

    Dear Jennifer,


    Welcome to Community Life Competence! Could you add your picture as it adds a human touch to your profile? (go to 'settings' then 'upload photo')

    Connect with members: We hope you will enjoy the opportunity to communicate with friends in all parts of the world. Under the Tab with Members you can find people to connect with and members who share similar interest.

    Post your experience: You can share your experiences with local responses and the competence process through putting up a blog. To post a blog, first sign in, then go to top of the page and click on the blue button ‘Blogs’ and click on ‘+ Add a Blog Post’. You can also comment on blogs posted by other members.

    Discussion Forum: Our FORUM is the place where we learn together. If you want to discuss an element of the Competence process, or other issues related to local responses, please contribute to the forum. To participate in an ongoing discussion, sign in, go to the top of the page, click on the blue button ‘FORUM’ and then click on topic of the discussion you are interested in. In the FORUM you have an option to start a discussion on a topic of your interest.

    Again, we are very happy to have your voice on Community Life Competence and look forward to your contributions. You will find some suggestions and rules of play under the ‘help’ tab.

    Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance. If you have want support contact laurence[@]

    To know more about the Community Life Competence approach, please visit

    Warm regards,



  • Rituu B. Nanda

    Dear Jennifer,


    Thanks for this beautiful photo.


    We have recently set up some new groups which might interest you- peace competence, youth competence and let's end gender based violence. Would you like to connect with those working with children?



  • Rituu B. Nanda

    Dear Jennifer,


    A warm welcome to Community Action Day group! You will find the documents on toolkit as well as the  feedback on Community Action Day 2010 on the group page. How do you think can we involve like minded organisations?


    Thanks Jennifer!


    Warm regards,


  • Olivia Munoru

    Hi Jennifer,


    I find all your posts very inspiring. Just wanted to let you know!



  • Sanghamitra Iyengar

    Just saw your page. many exciting things. Will get back to it. Happy to connect!! Alas, I am not too active on Ning
  • Autry Haynes

    dear Jennifer, thanks for the invitation. Looking forward to rewarding interaction as we share and learn (^_^)
  • Elischia Fludd

    Hi there, nice to meet you Jennifer!
  • Rituu B. Nanda

    Dear Jennifer,


    Thanks for your regular postings in this community. They have helped me reflect deeply on some issue. I highly appreciate your contribution. We have not had a chat for some time and I miss our brief chats on skype.




  • Jasper Touna

    Hi Jennifer, your dream and concern is in line with what I always think of achieving one day, by convincing international and local funders to fund direct on community needs.

    Kind Regards


  • Dr Sima Barmania BMdsci MBBS MPH

    Hi Jennifer,


    Thanks for adding me as a friend.


    Great Posts.



  • MariJo

    Hello Jennifer,

    It is a pleasure to stay touch with you and thank you for all the blogging activity you share with us. 


  • John Piermont Montilla

    hello there Jennifer. I am Johnpierre, the wandering wonderer