Laurence Gilliot

41, Female

Chiang Mai


Profile Information:

Laurence Gilliot
Constellation for AIDS Competence
About Me:
I'm happy and I try to take good care of myself so that I can be present for others. I think I am always searching to improve myself. I work for the Constellation since 4 years as Facilitator Share.
My dream:
My dream right now is to take my back pack and walk for a few months through the world. I'd just use my feet to move and I'd stop in villages along the way to do SALT visits...
I'm proud of:
I'm proud or happy when I can truly and deeply listen to my friends or family without wanting to find a solution to their problem but just listening without judging.

Comment Wall:

  • Jean Legastelois

    Ah ! blasphème et hérésie ! Ce n'est pas une guitare mais un charango. Enfin, à tout pécheur miséricorde, je t'enjouerai un petit air la prochaine fois :-))
    La plateforme est vraiment bien !
  • Vegard A. Johansen

    hia, and thanks! this looks like a great tool, and it will certainly take some time to build it in Drupal. I've been quite buzy the last days so I haven't had time to look that closely on it, but please start a discussion and I'll join in!
  • Jean-Louis Lamboray

    Super! Tu invites Aude? Aussi, quel plaisir de voir votre photo avec Lawan dans le bureau. Et je vois cela depuis un trou perdu: à Lae, loin de Port Moresby! Merci.
  • Dr. E. Mohamed Rafique

    Hi Laurence,

    Please accept my thanks for putting up this platform called Ning. As for my experience in setting up e-networks or e-forums, I have been doing it first as a hobby, like the ISHIMA one which won an award. I also was the voluntary editor for SAATHII, which is still doing well. Now the UN is paying me for nurturing the AIDS Community of Practice (CoP) in India! I think this Ning will be a winner if we all participate well. The key to its success is sharing and participating by its members. More participation translates to more vibrancy!

    Cheers to a vibrant ACP network!
  • Laurence Gilliot

    Do you think that this kind of platform will help the Constellation in achieving its mission?

    Do you think that this will inspire people to spread aids competence in their own organisation, family, neighbourhood?

    All your thoughts and ideas are welcome! And congratulations with all your success stories with online communities! You are a real champion in online community facilitation!
    What are the 3 main advices/tips you would give to have a successful online community being a success?


  • Ian Campbell

    Let's see

    I do not have time or inclination to follow blogs or virtual social networks . I do not join them .Email works fine for me -but for our purpose the platform will do well for the membership issues .Please do not convey expectation of expanding but instead invite links that may enhance but are not the core content. We need one location which is about the essence of the membership issues and questions I actually would find it easier to use an egroup only to discuss our issues -less time consuming to get in and very simple . If you are intending to involve many others however -ok . I can see the platform will work for that. Great photo by the way . Lets keep working this out by time and effort. Thanks for huge commitment
  • Aude

    Hey miss, j'ai invité Aicha... Nous en avions parlé Hier avec JL. J'espère que tout va pour le mieux en Thailande, on pense à vous*
  • Marlou

    well, for a change.... the other one looked so boring between all th nice ones from you, gaston, aude -- will be on the look for something more original (and thanks for forcing me into Ning like this: I like it!!
  • Novianty

    Hi Laurence...

    How r u girl??Hows cambo doin??must great there... Well, i did some salt visit and i guess all of it have its own 'strength...:), but 1 that i think stayed on my mind is when i go to theater and cultural dancer community (some of them are my frends too), i see they are really organize themselves and have a strong commitment to do their activities/job (hard to explain it heh!!:P), what i see and feel is they do it with they heart even sometimes they not get paid for their performances!, and i start think "What kinda things that make them so strong like that??", one of my work partner called Boyke (who also the member of the community) said "its because we love what we do and we commit to do it, if u do something because you love, everything will be possible rights??"

    Well i guess this is another value of life that i learn from them is to love what you do and always commit and APPRECIATE it!. The impact for me related to my work is i become more concern to what i do now I guess this is the impact of SALT for me as individual, and now i try to transfer it to my own organization...:) kinda hard but nothing impossible rite... KEEP THE DREAM ALIVE...well thats all the story, how bout u there??..

    with luv

  • Benyaich Aicha

    coucou Laurence comment vas tu? et Gaston, j ai lu dans un de tes comments qu"il a de la fièvre, j'éspère que ça ira courage bisou
  • Rachel Arinii

    Hi, Laurence..nice to meet you!
    I am also looking forward to hear about youth in your work..

    c ya!
    keep in touch
  • Jayakar


    Thanks for giving me opportunity to learn and share about friends.

  • Luc Barriere-Constantin

    C'est quelle photo? Mon bon profil j'espere!! Qui du groupe de ChiangMai sera a Dar?

  • Amber

    Hi Laurence! Good to hear from you again! How was PNG? Will definitely see you on Friday next for some yoga-goodness!

    As for the weather, hot and sunny with a lovely cool mountain breeze coming through. Heading out on a motorcycle road trip with an out-of-town friend this week and really looking forward to it. May have also just bought a beautiful new motorcycle. Still having a wonderful time with my "Special Friend" and things at work are going great. No complaints at all!

    Just finished the second SALT article - far more personal than the first. Will get this to you today.
  • lulu

    dear laurence
    nice to know u too
    what didi caca say about me????
    ho..ho.....dont believe in her anyway.he...he...
    well, this is my mobile phone number, you can call me
    i really hope that we can meet some day.

    see u
  • Claire Campbell

    oops - i think i pressed the wrong location
  • shakilla K. Umutoni

    Dear Laurence,

    Yes I do remember that we briefly met sometimes back in Kigali. I have met with Luc sometimes back. And in fact I have told him about this same idea. I hope with the team here we will be able to do something concrete.
    Take care and we stay in touch!!
  • Amber

    Hey there Chica! How are you? I tried to reach you last night - even had my "comfy" clothes - ready for some yoga.

    Here's a plan... what's the location? At least if I have that I can go and hopefully see you there... what do you think? :)

    Miss you both!! What are the holiday plans? New Years? I know of a killer party (maybe Gaston can bust a move with me!!) if you are staying in town.
  • Renaud Boulet

    Salut, Merci pour ton message,
    Comment pourrais-je décrire Vancouver? Pour ceux qui ont des sous c'est vraiment une ville formidable, votée généralement ville la plus agréable à vivre au monde, entre la mer et la montagne, climat doux, super stations de ski, plages, restaurants,...
    Vancouver c'est aussi le downtown eastside, où je travaille, où vivent quelque chose comme 10.000 personnes, dont 2000 dorment dehors, la grande majorité consomme des drogues quotidiennement, 7 personnes sur 10 ont l'hépatiteC, 3 sur dix vivent avec le VIH, ... je pourrais continuer... Tout cela dans le centre ville qui accueillera les jeux olympiques d'hiver en 2010 et donc enjeux politiques importants.
    C'est ça aussi Vancouver! Parfois je rêve d'asie du sud est... c'est la prochaine étape, j'espère...
    Comment je connais le grand gourou? la CTB, une conférence, séduit par le projet, après c'est une histoire de co-voiturage, JL voulant bien prétendre que Gembloux était sur sa route entre Bruxelles et Grez-Doiceau.
    Bon j'arrête là, je vais encore écrire un roman et j'ai un site internet à découvrir.
    Bonne continuation et à bientôt,
  • Renaud Boulet

    Je ne manquerai pas de particper à ce forum, encore plein de choses à découvrir, mais pour l'instant, c'est le temps qui manque, je reviendrai mi Janvier... D'ici là bonnes fêtes et bonne contination.

  • Diga Kay Gomez

    Hi Laurence,
    Bontoc is in Northern Luzon and is the capital town of Mountain Province, one of the six provinces of the Cordillera Administrative Region. We have an active Local Aids Council in the Local Government Unit of this municipality. We are slowly campaigning on AIDS awareness among the populace especially on young people. It is hard but we are FOCUSED i can say.
  • Abdoulie Cham

    Hi Laurence Gilliot,

    Is a pleasure to join this network and have the chance to communicate with people like you. I am in The Gambia in West Africa and working in an advocy group called Stop TB and HIV/AIDS-The Gambia. I would want to link with people all over the world in the global fight against the two global treats namely TB and HIV/AIDS. This I believe will help a lot in sharing ideas,informations and knowledge. Looking forward in hearing from you.

    Kind regards
  • Diederick Janse

    Hi Laurence,

    Thanks for welcoming me to this space - I'm glad to be here and contribute what I can!

    And I might just take you up on your offer of coming to Chiang Mai, depending on a possible trip to Malaysia for an intensive Shaolin kungfu training with my master's master. I'll be sure to let you know!
  • Meble Birengo

    Laurence, Hey..

    Just wanted to check if you got my mail earlier today?

  • Meble Birengo

    Thats fine, thanks - I cant believe its like there, its 6pm here in Nairobi.
  • Judith DIALUNDUA

    Bonjour chers compétents,
    Je suis très consciente de ma longue abscence au site parce que j'était dans le bas congo en mission avec CORDAID BAS pour la révitalisation de la zone de santé de Moanda ainsi que de KITONA à l'embouchire du fleure congo. C'etait une mission océan.

    En bref, ces deux zones de santé son à la frontière de la RDC et l'ANGOLA et il y a pas mal d'échange entre ces deux pays dans tout le sens, la population présente une forte vulnérabilité parce que beaucoup de maladie qui entre au pays passe par là et il y un développement d'un comportement à haut risque et la population est plus mobile.
    En terme de compétence, elle est au niveau le plus bas possible.

    Espérons qu'avec l'appui de CORDAI BAS dans cette zone, nous allons les accompagner dans le développement de compétence et l'adoption d'un comportement plus responsable.

    Merci à plus.
  • Francien Scholten

    When you become old, you do not need to acquire more knowledge... you become wisdom. And you stop striving." This inspires me...

    Beautiful saying and so true!!

    The dream comes from my passion for the wisdom of older people. I had a grandmother who I remember as a warm person and it was so much fun when she stayed with us when I was a little girl. She had always something to say when my mother could not answer my questions. I remember being impressed what she told me and truly enjoyed it when she told me stories.

    I love people life stories and like to be around with older people. For that reason I had chosen to become a nurse and later became a community nurse (more chances and often more time to listen to their life stories when we visit older people at their home), Now I am a gerontologist as more to know about wisdom but what even better is ...... I am working in Uganda and do field work for a study (older people HIV/AIDS / their health and the social and health services). I am glad that I get this chance because again I can listen to their life stories / wisdom at their homes. I feel privileges when I visit them at home, they tell us how they cope with daily life in an era where HIV/AIDS is so much part of their daily life. Most of them have lost sons/daughters/ and find themselves raising grandchildren and some of them are HIV positive. You have to be resilient to cope with all the sadness that has happened in your life. Many of them are resilient because of their life experiences, living so many years, you will face life differently. I believe they grow in wisdom and set often examples to us how to fulfill your life, being a happier human being for yourself and of course for others. We all are getting older so I guess we all grow in our wisdom ....