Benyaich Aicha




Profile Information:

Benyaich Aicha
About Me:
I love the life like a dreamer but fortunately my friends bring me back my mind in the real world
My dream:
My dream is that everybody can see not the difference between us but the likeness for a sharing
I'm proud of:
I'm proud of my view about the life, so I try every day stay positive what that happen

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  • Novianty

    Dear Aicha..

    Nice to see you again, we are FANS of Obama, i love him too, great person and he is president for all i guess...:)

    Well, actually i am still in the learning process of salt...Its true that HIV/AIDS and STI's issues are quite difficult to address for Muslim since we believe that issues is not to talk about or we called it 'taboo', for the 1st time i feel the same, rejection everywhere especially by the community and religion leader...

    What i did : I often to visit them (especially to the man leader), and discuss about related issues..i came not to judge but to listen what they think about it, after that i am asking them to join me to attend the community meeting, and ask them not to say anything but LISTEN. I do it not only once but several time till they get the essence of it...Now i am quite happy some of them already understand about the issues and showing their interest for Care and Support Program...

    I also facilitate a community meeting between my Best friends (they all career woman) with female sex workers (another 'career' woman), i asked the same thing to SHUT UP AND LISTEN...:), and surprisingly all my best friend cry over the rainbow (oooo puhhhlessss is not a song..haha:P) and after that meeting, all of them said they learn something from that community, SURVIVE!!..

    Well that's all what i do, maybe is a very little thing but i guess that is what we need to do right??Connecting people to share response...

    So how bout you girl...tell me your experience to hear it...

    warm hug

  • MariJo

    As-salamu 'alaykum, bon soir Aicha.
    Je veux etre tres court aujourd'hui parce-que ma tete est un peut brûlée. Je suis fatigué parce que j'ai subis une operation dental et demain une autre, et c'est un peu dificile.
    Mais je suis tres contente de t'avoir comme amie dans la Constellation et j'espere qu'on aura plusieurs ocasiones pour partager notres experiences, doutes et aprentissage.
    Ravie de faire ta connaisancei. Bissous
  • M.L. Prabakar

    Hi Aicha,

    Hope you are fine. Are you still in India.
    Hope to hear from you.

    warm regards,