Kicki Oljemark



Profile Information:

Kicki Oljemark
About Me:
Many years of experience of management in the positive powers of strenghtbased development. I have been working with strenghbased work with individuals, groups, organisations and communities. My passion is to be a part of creating context for enableing people to use and develop their own capacities and strenghts towards their preferred future. To mobilize individuals and groups through collaborative, appreciative and strengthbased methods that make people feel involved and resourseful in taking action towards the future.
My dream:
To be a part of creating sustainable health and social and emotional well being in the world through different strenghtbased projects. To be a part of supporting people to appreciate themselves and to free peoples full potential.
I'm proud of:
I am proud of living in a world where people connect and work towards a better future for everyone.

I am also proud of being a part of strenghtbased development and my passion to be a part of making a difference that makes the difference that matters.

Comment Wall:

  • Rituu B. Nanda

    Dear Kicki,

    A warm welcome! Delighted to see you here. Hope we can share and learn from each other. Please do add your photograph to your profile.


  • Laurence Gilliot

    Dear Kicki,

    Welcome to Community Life Competence! Could you please add your picture because it adds a human touch to your profile (go to 'settings' then 'upload photo')

    We hope you will enjoy the opportunity to communicate with colleagues and friends in all parts of the world.

    Please take some time to walk through this virtual Constellation home.
    You will find many opportunities for connecting, sharing and learning.

    Connecting: Under the Tab with Members you find people to connect or to reconnect with directly, on their personal pages. The search function will certainly be of help! We encourage you to make your own page your personal ‘home’ which allows for a conversation from human to human - online.

    Sharing Experiences: In the blogs we are sharing our experiences with local responses and the competence process. These experiences and stories do not require a discussion or exchange, but comments are welcome! Some stories in the blog link directly to our knowledge asset (see tab knowledge asset).I am sure your experience will be useful to others!

    Learning Together: Our Forum is the place where we learn together. If you want to discuss an element of the Competence process, or other issues related to local responses, please contribute to the forum.

    Again, we are very happy to have your voice on Community Life Competence and look forward to your contributions.
    You will find some suggestions and rules of play under the ‘help’ tab.
    Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance. If you have want support for writing your blog, contact me.

    Warm regards,

  • Kicki Oljemark

    Thanks for your warm welcome. I am looking forward to connect and be a part of this lovely network.

    Warm regards from Kicki and a Sweden dressed in snow. We all know the energy there is under the snow and the growth that will be:)
  • Laurence Gilliot

    Hi Kicki,

    It is a great pleasure to meet you :-) Indeed, the winter has to be for nature to rest and to blossom more beautifully in the spring!

    I really would like to learn from your experience. Would you like to write on your blog? For instance, you could share one story that really touched you in your work and explain maybe a key lessons learned in that situation?

    Thanks, Kicki

  • Rituu B. Nanda

    Great to see your photograph, my friend!
  • Rituu B. Nanda

    Hey Kicki,

    How are you using strengthbased approach in HIV prevention? Would like to know more about your work.

    Sending you a warm hug.


  • Njoh Angwi Constance

    Hi Kicki,
    accept greetings from the west coast of Africa in Cameroon. I'll want to share that, the issue of people being important is not that they are not important, but they do not know they are important.
    Results from a self competence used in my school for HIV prevention reveals they have alot of potentials in them. They only need to be given a chance to demonstrate it. People should also be appreciated and encouraged. It was lovely meeting you.
    My regards,

    Dear Kicki,
    We shall definitely meet when you come to Uganda in April, I stay in Entebbe, where you will pass on your way to Kampala. I have been involved in HIV fight since 1992, I started with TASO as a Head Counselor where I had the opportunity to work with Dr Alex Coutinho the current Executive Director of IDI. I am currently the Principal Director of Health Nest Uganda where Dr. Alex has been approached to be a Patron. Health Nest Uganda empowers the community through training. We train HIV/AIDS Counselors, First Aiders and Fire fighters. We also offer free community Based Voluntary Counseling and testing. I am widely trained in Trainer of Trainers skills.
    I look forward to sharing with you more.
    Thank you for being a member of Community Life Competence.
    I look forward to hearing from you again

    Dear Kicki,
    Steps in Stone sounds very interesting in strengthening the community. I look forward to know more about it when you are here in Uganda or even you can share more on line. I will introduce it to my Organization Health Nest Uganda if possible. I will send you an email address of a good friend of mine in Gotland where I stayed when I
    visited your Country in 2001 and 2004. I call her my Mammy.
    I look forward to here from you more.
  • Njoh Angwi Constance

    Dear Kicki,
    You are quite a model. I get you moving to Uganda. Namara should be of help to you there.
    I read you also need a point to start SIDA. What exactly do you want to do?,if I could be of help.
    Waiting to hear from you,
  • Rituu B. Nanda

    Dear Kicki,

    Thanks for sharing your upcoming HIV prevention project.

    You are going to faciliate strength based approach or is it part of your research project or is it action research? How do you plan to measure the change among the facilitators you will train and the outcome of their work?


  • Gaston

    Kicki - long time no news from you. Already happy birthday for tomorrow! I always try to keep my computer shut on Saturdays so hereby a birthday wish already.

    How is your interesting work advancing. You can share a blog if you want. Many people can learn from your practical experiences with strength-based development.

    Regards, Gaston
  • Rituu B. Nanda

    Dear Kicki,


    A warm welcome to the peace competence group! Look forward to your participation.

