Caca Carillo

Kalibo, Aklan


Profile Information:

Caca Carillo
Aklan Butterfly Brigade/ Provincial AIDS Council
About Me:
I am Caca for all that it means and for all that it stands for
My dream:
Beauty, truth, Justice and World Peace
I'm proud of:
Who I am, What I stand for and the choices I have made in my life no matter how different they may be

Comment Wall:

  • Laurence Gilliot

    Hi Caca,

    Great to see you here! Would be great to have your picture too... Would love to see you in some yoga move ;-)
    How are you? How's life?


  • Marlou

    Dear Caca,

    Welcome to Aidscompetence - or all that it means and for all that it stands for :)
    We hope you will enjoy the opportunity to communicate with friends, colleagues and like minded people in all parts of the world.

    Please take some time to walk through this virtual Constellation home.
    You will find many opportunities for connecting, sharing and learning. Meet old friends and make new friends by visiting people’s personal pages. Or ‘listen’ to their stories in their Blog. Share your experiences in the discussion forum, share your pictures or watch the video’s. And invite your own friends in as you wish!

    Again, we are very happy to have your voice on Aids Competence and look forward to your contributions.
    You will find some suggestions and rules of play under the ‘help’ tab.
    Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance.

    Warm regards,

  • Usa Duongsaa

    Hi Caca,

    Nice to see you here. Great photo :-) Hope to see you in person in the IKF in Chiangmai in Feb. and hope you're enjoying life, light, love, and everything ..

  • Marlou

    Dear Caca,
    I have been reading about and from you over the past 18 months. Now I see your picture - that is wonderful. Thanks!
  • Usa Duongsaa

    Hi Caca,

    Thank you for inviting me to be your friend. I feel very honoured and am so happy to accept the invitation from someone so SALTy as you :-)

    Take care,

  • Rituu B. Nanda

    Dear Caca,

    Thanks for inviting me as your friend. Last year I read a book which was a compilation of articles on gender and sexuality in Asia. One article was on Phillippines. I have several questions and would love to hear your views and experiences.

    Good luck and a happy new year.

    With regards,


    PS: Lovely pic! Hope to see more.
  • lulu

    dear sist.. how r u???
  • Rituu B. Nanda

    Dear Caca,

    Thanks for the information. I will love to discuss the subject with you.

    Have a nice day.

    Warm regards,

  • Marlou

    Caca thanks for your great comment to my blog posting and sharing your valuable experience with the brigade. Will you be in Chiang Mai to share those experience (and to show your growing hair)?
  • Manisha

    hi caca.. u look very hott.. how r u doin.. WAD was so much fun!! Hope I can come down and work on another project before I leave the Philippines.. tc.. ttyl..