

Denver, Colorado

United States

Profile Information:

Manisha Shrestha
US Peace Corps
My dream:
To see everyone happy in their own place
I'm proud of:
My parents for being my world..

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  • Laurence Gilliot

    Hello Manisha,

    Welcome on AIDS Competence!

    Do you work with the US peace corps? I met many good friends in the Philippines who were with Peace Corps. I really loved their mentality, openness and attitude with the local communities. Did you also work abroad with Peace Corps? Please tell me a bit more :-)


  • Laurence Gilliot

    Hi Manisha,

    I was in the Philippines from Sept 2005 to May 2006, in Ceby city. I worked for a small NGO there. Where are you located and what kind of work do you do? Are you also amazed by the community strengths, the smiles, the creative ideas, etc.?
    I live in Chiang Mai (Thailand) for the moment and I love it. There is a very special community here, that does a lot of yoga, meditation, etc. It feels like Chiangmai attracts similar people!

    How did you hear about AIDS Competence or the Constellation?

  • Caca Carillo

    hey girl
    nicfe picture you have here, anyways, Ive been working with becky, the new volunteer in batan, and weve been doing some HIV stuff for the municipality she's in its more policy stuff and planning but hopefiully very soon when the local council mobilizes resources well be doing the planned activities hope yopu can come over and have fun with us.