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My experience at the knowledge Fair (IKF) Chiang Mai, Thailand

I am so glad that I was able to make it to the International knowledge Fair (IKF) because it was a great eye opener for me. I used to think that I care for the community I work with. Here I learnt that I need to care for humanity. Though at intellectual level I am aware of it, I understand I need to go long way to be into it. The IKF gave me a firsthand experience to witness it in reality and to be a part of that experience.

When I reflect on my bonding with my community I see many strings are already attached to it like, people are people of my mother land, my language, my class, individuals with similar issues. I also see my duty to contribute to my country because I have gained lots from my community and the Country and it is my turn to give back.
Here at the IKF I met individuals who are living examples, who appreciate humanness and strongly believe in the human capacity to respond.

I wish to mention the names of a few people here. I was amazed when I saw JLL, Phil, Geoff and Usa who gave themselves completely when they listened to people. Their minds and hearts were open and focused. Their commitment to see and elicit the unique capacities human beings had to respond was remarkable.
Three people Marlou, Lawan and Sirinate who were there for everyone and always shared a welcoming smile and words from their heart, which had no degree of difference with individuals. Two people Laurence and Gaston who connected me to the people whom I have met very briefly or never met -from Thailand and Papua New Guinea- through their strong connections that goes beyond all Geographical, Physical and intellectual barriers. I was touched by Laurence’s explanation of the doctrines of Buddhism and its connection to competence of Thai people. Gaston touched me with this efforts to make the people of Papua New Guinea present there at the IKF in spirit with all of us. I would call the Constellation team as an embodiment of human connections that goes beyond anything possible.

Lastly, I wish to mention about John Pierre, whom I met here and who I would call “the embodiment of universal brotherhood”. He goes beyond all barriers to care and share. I will share about him with many others because he has influenced me a lot and he will surely continue to make an impact on many others.

“At this knowledge Fair I met great people“, this would have been my regular expression. But now I wish to state it as “I met human beings with great potential who were great in all aspects”. I am really thankful to everyone who had helped me to be here and to go through this rare, enriching and life changing experience.

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Comment by M.L. Prabakar on March 29, 2009 at 10:00pm
Thanks JLL, for a reflective response.

I agree with you. When I look at myself it is true as well. I am not great in all aspects. As a human being i think my efforts to be great in all aspects is a continuos journey I undertake, all through my life.

In my experience at the knowledge fair, I witnessed great potential in people and the remarkable responses I have not seen or to which I am not exposed to in my place. As I am looking at strengths of people and appreciating it I tend to forget the human flaws and short comings, which I also have, being a human being.
As human beings we may not be perfect but it is perfect to accept humans with qualities and flaws.
I wish to modify my statement a bit “I met human beings with great potential who were great in several aspects and as human as I am”.

Thanks and warm regards,

Comment by Jean-Louis Lamboray on February 27, 2009 at 2:28am
“I met human beings with great potential who were great in all aspects”
Yes, Prabakar, this is how I felt as well.
But then, thinking about myself, I know that is not true: I am not great in all aspects. I am just an ordinary person, with qualities and flaws..
So, what happened in the knowledge fair that made us think that way?
What would you say, Prabakar?
Anyone else who wants to offer an explanation?
Comment by Gaston on February 25, 2009 at 11:51am
Thank you Prabakar for expressing this. It means a lot for the 'organizing facilitators' when people experienced the event in such a human and strong way. You certainly were part of my list of 'inspiring individuals' I met in Chiang Mai. Last week I shared your (and other Indian experiences) in Indonesia, this week in Papua New Guinea. Yesterday, I showed some of the facilitators our Ning platform and what people were sharing (also about PNG). Although most of them never have seen internet, they appreciated so much that their experiences go beyond borders and the community that is taking shape. It strengthens their own response even more and they feel confident that there are others with a similar vision.
Comment by Rituu B. Nanda on February 25, 2009 at 6:20am
Dear Prabakar,

Thanks for sharing your beautiful experience. I was waiting for it.



PS: Lovely picture!

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