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Mobility Competence Process - Self Assessment Framework

Session on Self Assessment Framework

CIHQ, Dec.16, 2010 (11 a.m.-2 p.m.)




Mr. Sanjeev Sheel, Anchal Charitable Trust

Ms. Sandhya Mishra, Modicare Foundation

Ms. Rituu B. Nanda, National Coordinator for the Community Life Competence Process in India

Dr. Rafique, Nabesh and Sandhya from Care India


The session was facilitated by Ms. Rituu B. Nanda.  After a brief introduction, a self assessment framework was discussed and generated.  The inputs were given by all participants in terms of practices (e.g. practice of brushing the teeth,  exercises etc.) and their self assessment for placing them under  Level-1 to Level – 5. The levels could be more than five as per the need. The levels are:


 Level-1                          Level-2                   Level-3                   Level-4                Level-5

Do not know or Heard something like that

Completely aware but done nothing

Fully aware & do something sometimes

Doing it regularly but not always

Do it naturally (always) with transfer



The purpose of developing the framework is to take it to the community in particular context of mobility, discuss and help them decide the existing level of their competence and their aspirations to go to the next or higher level of competence.  The practices in the framework have to be drawn from the dream building exercise with the community.  After that action plan needs to be drawn.  In the whole process, the most important factor is to define the context and the usage of  terminology which should always be context specific.


Concerns raised by Modicare Foundation (Ms. Sandhya Mishra):


  1. How to link up CLCP with EMPHASIS Agenda/mandate. To this, Dr. Rafique responded and said that we already  have a separate framework for HIV and PLHIV on the lines of self-assessment framework.   
  2. Necessity of ID Cards for Nepali migrants:  Ms. Sandhya Mishra shared the serious concern of Nepali migrants about their  not having the ID cards.  They cannot open bank account, cannot get ration card and apply for PAN in the absence of this document.  She mentioned that Modicare Foundation has helped some of their Nepali staff getting this card but by and large, they do not have this (though they are living in India for more than a decade) , do not know How and who to approach  and in the absence of ID card they are discriminated and denied access to services.  Nabesh responded the query in detail with  reference to the RTI  law, Redressal Mechanism and generating awareness about Nepali migrants rights and entitlements under the Indo-Nepal Friendship Treaty.  He further emphasized that the mandate of EMPHASIS itself is to make these migrants aware of the provisions of Friendship Treaty with respect to their legal status in India. CLCP is a major tool to empower and build their capacities in this regard.    





Mr. Sanjeev Sheel, Anchal Charitable Trust expressed his interest to have an in-depth session on the framework. 


The meeting ended with vote of thanks from Rituu and Dr. Rafique taking a lead to send everyone the  Mobility Competence Process (MCP) - Self Assessment Framework in continuation to the self assessment session.   



Report compiled by: Sandhya, CARE India


PS: As I was about to post this report to NING, Dr. Rafique has sent MCP-Self Assessment Framework (thanks to him for quick action) which is mentioned below: 


Mobility Competence Process (MCP) - Self Assessment Framework







Explanation of Level

Do not know or Heard something like that

Completely aware but done nothing

Fully aware & do something sometimes

Doing it regularly but not always

Do it naturally (always) with transfer

1. Acknowledgement and Recognition

We know some of the issues and concerns with Mobility and Migration.

We know enough about Mobility and Migration to respond when something happens.

We publicly recognize that Mobility is affecting us as a group/community and  take occasional action

We regularly discuss Mobility/Migration, and have a common program of action to respond.

Our response to Mobility is part of our daily life. We act from strength.

2. Acceptance as mobile population in India*

We have heard about policies. We know that we are legal or illegal in India. We have heard that there is something as rights for Non-Indians

We are aware of all the policies and treaties between the two countries.
We are aware that authorities in India have no right to harass any non-Indians

Sometimes we represent to the authorities, whenver one of us is harassed, or our rights are infringed.

Most of the time we are able to report and get redressal for any breach of our rights.

Everytime we get our violation of rights redressed. We have taught other mobile communities like ours in the redressal process.

3. Inclusion, Association, and Advocacy

We are aware of the importance of involving others, namely those affected by mobility as well as those we interact with.

We co-operate with some people to resolve common issues.

We in our separate migrant groups meet to resolve common issues, like, PLHIV, youth, or women.

Various migrant groups share common goals and define each member’s contribution.

Because we work together on migration and mobility we can address and resolve other challenges facing us.

4. Access to Services Information and Support#

We access basic services, Information and support

We have access to simple Information

We have access to information, some services, but not support.

Some of us are making use of the services, information and support regularly.

All those in need of services, information and support are using them effectively.

5. Identify and address vulnerability

We know who is most vulnerable within our community

We help those more vulnerable due to mobility and HIV than ourselves.

Our response includes some specific actions to address our own vulnerability to HIV.

We systematically address our own factors of vulnerability

Our actions to address vulnerability to HIV strengthens us in addressing other challenges.

6. Gender

We are aware of gender issues and how they are related to Migration and Mobility

 We notice gender issues in our Mobility and Migration work and respond to them

 We have started to address gender issues in some of our Mobility work

We regularly consider gender in our Mobility work

We have mainstreamed gender issues in all our Mobility work. 

7. Learning and transfer

We want to  learn and share with others

We adopt good practice from outside.

We sometimes share our points of view to draw lessons from our actions.

We learn, share and apply what we learn regularly, and seek people with relevant experience to help us.

We continuously learn how we can respond better to HIV/AIDS and share our experiences with others.

8. Measuring change and adapting our response

We are aware of the importance of measuring change and adapting our response.

We begin consciously to self measure but we do not yet adapt the result for improvement.

We adapt our response and occasionally  measure the improvement

We systematically adapt and can demonstrate measurable improvement

We see implications for the future and continuously  adapt to meet them while measuring the change process

9. Ways of working

We are aware that Mobility challenges our ways of working.

We focus on our own strengths to respond.

We work as teams to use our collective strengths and resolve problems as we recognize them

We regularly find our own solutions to access experiences and lessons learnt from others.

We continuously seek to improve our ways of working and share our experience with others.

10. Mobilizing resources

We wait for resources from others who tell us how to use them.

We act when resources are provided to us.

We take some initiatives based on our own resources.

We regularly identify and access additional sources of support to complement our own strengths.

We continuously use our own resources and access other resources to achieve more, and have plans for the future.







*Acceptance by local Indians, and authority

#Though EMPHASIS is an acronym for 'Enhancing Mobile Populations’ Access to HIV & AIDS Services, Info & Support', our experience with mobile communities has consistently shown that HIV or AIDS comes last in their priorities. Hence the assessment is for all services including those for HIV and AIDS.


Views: 72


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Comment by Gaston on January 3, 2011 at 9:11am

Dear Sandhya, thank you for sharing this interesting exercise. This application is really useful in many contexts. I know already Thailand, DR-Congo, Rwanda, Belgium and the Netherlands were thinking or already working on mobility.


I have 2 questions:

1. I really like your level 5 that includes the transfer to others. This is something I'll use in the future. In addition, in my experience, level 2 goes beyond awareness. It also encompasses that we know what to do, but we are not doing it. So it would go beyond being aware that it's an issue, but we actually have already some ideas of what to do, but it never came to some action. What do you think?

2. I like the second practice, although I feel the levels are written from the perspective of one group with a limitation of options. It seems the only actions for this practice is the awareness of rights and response when they are violated. I can imagine there are more things that can be done on improving acceptance beyond responding to rights-violation? If I now read level 5, I think this is not their dream for acceptance. It only addresses one aspect of the dream. 

I know that the migrants in Belgium thought profoundly on these issues and they actively started organising activities that included their neighbourhood. For example, they organised a dinner where each person made a dish from their country. They got to know their surrounding community as human beings and vice versa. This was a turning point in acceptance. See more on this blog and this blog which you can translate with Google translate). 


I'll think about this a bit further as it's really interesting. I'll also try to contact the other facilitators working on mobility. Keep the innovative work going!

Comment by Dr. E. Mohamed Rafique on January 1, 2011 at 7:34am

Dear Wiwin,

I agree it is important to ensure that migrant communities in the destination country need to learn the local language, then the local culture, traditions, and customs, so that they can be wary of any conflict due to differences, in cultures or customs. This MCP framework, will evolve accordingly to encompass suggestions, like yours.

With best regards,

Comment by wiwin winarni on December 29, 2010 at 10:38am

Dear Sandhya;

Its me Wiwin from Indonesia. My country also one of the most sending area of migrant workers at south asian, mostly the migrant workers are women.

Rituu had shared me about SA session on Mobility/Migration Competence Process. This really interesting for me.  Instead of providing input as Rituu requested I'd like to ask whether is it also important to ensure that our migrant friends also need to learn bout culture and habit of their recent community/resident.  If we put this at the mentioned. practices, is it belong to practices number one?


I am looking forward also to learn your experience and will see opportunity to implementation at my context.


Best Regards



Comment by Dr. E. Mohamed Rafique on December 23, 2010 at 2:59pm

Hi Sandhya,

Good to see the Mobility/Migration Competence Process make its debut in CLCP. I am sure there will be many changes and each migrant community will adapt different versions of it for their own use! For I remember that the dreams of the Bengalis and Bangladeshis in Saetberya, West Bengal are so different from those of the Nepalis in Delhi. So, I am looking forward to learning from everyone in this forum interested in Migration or Mobility.

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