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Introducing SALT in the WORKPLACE on 10th May, 2011

On 10th May, 2011 Nicole Cole along with Marlyn Waterman conducted a STI Awareness Workshop in the Work Environment among employees of the Guyana Power and Light Company. The AIDS Competency Process was also introduced with the SALT model to Community Development i.e making Communities AIDS Competent. Two Power Point Presentations were conducted explaining the most common Sexually Transmitted Infections. Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Herpes Simplex, Syphilis, Genital Warts, Human Papilloma Virus and HIV were explained to the Participants. The Women were encouraged to check their Cervix for cancerous lesions by using the VIA method offered by the Ministry of Health. The AIDS Competency Process was introduced with SALT being promoted as a Strengths Model of making Communities fully AIDS Competent. Participants explored the local responses and ways of thinking and working as well as building the the DREAM. Individual dreams were built first, then group dreams. then Community dreams. The session was a very interactive. Condom demonstration was also conducted with the participants using both the male and female condoms. Brochures were distributed as well as Posters on STIs. The Participants were all enthused and they had FUN!

Please view my FACEBOOK page for Pictures and Comments! Jah Rastafari!!!!


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Comment by Nicole Rhonda Cole on May 18, 2011 at 9:45am
Laurence the participants had diverse dreams; some dreamt of their Community being able to 'bridge' the 'stigma and discrimination' gap as it relates to the MSM and FSW/CSW Community. There is the view that should the GAP be bridged the LBGT Community would be better able to access Health Care Services. For the Nurses, their Dream consist of the 'construction of a National Hospice' to better care for PLWHAs since they felt strongly about offering 'holistic care' to their Patients in a 'patient friendly' environment. For the Social Work Practitioners, they dreamt of the REDUCTION of CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE because here in Guyana this 'heinous crime' is on the rise! All Participants "Pledged" to become 'CHILD PROTECTORS' which was a very "NOSTALGIC" moment for all in attendance; the VCT personnel dreamt of having 'less people testing HIV positive' since in their opinion, many young people are becoming infected 'rapidly' which is very 'worrying' to them because its the 15-24 age group that is testing positive in Guyana at an "ALARMING" rate! We all agreed that there will be a follow-up Workshop to look at "Self Assessment' and "Action Planning" and "hosting of the knowledge fair". I hope this answers your poignant questions Laurence. All for your information and guidance!
Comment by Laurence Gilliot on May 18, 2011 at 7:22am

Dear Nicole, 

It is fantastic that participants asked you to come back. That is the sign that they enjoyed the session and thought it was useful for their life. Congratulations!


What was the dream of the participants? Are they planning to do self-assessment and action planning too?



Comment by Nicole Rhonda Cole on May 18, 2011 at 3:51am
In my Professional Capacity I can Educate on STIs and thats exactly what I did Laurence. I sought to 'fuse' ACP and STI awareness which was a success! The Participants are asking for my return because they were very 'well-informed' on many STIs that they did not know; this is what makes your work worthwhile Laurence. When the participants learnt about what they can do to take better care of themselves they are desirous of more of the knowledge. A follow up workshop is being planned for later in the year and this is being done because of my 'effectiveness' as a Facilitator and as a Social Work Practitioner. I am very humbled by the fact that I'm being requested to conduct another session which will encompass more AIDS Competence knowledge. I must thank all who commented on the two Workshops! May you all be blessed with Good Health!
Comment by Laurence Gilliot on May 16, 2011 at 6:00am

Hi Nicole,


Thanks a lot for sharing about the activity. What I like a lot is that you show it is possible to use the AIDS Competence Process at the work place. It is not only for villages or specific groups but you can use it in the office.


One question I had is how to play the two roles, of facilitator and giving information on HIV and STI? In my experience, if you start to give information, teach people about HIV and STIs, they will look at you as the expert. They will continue to look at you for answers and information when you start building the dream, do self-assessment and action planning. Did you experience this too? Any tips you have on this?


We had a whole discussion on this topic 'Can a facilitator give information about HIV'.



PS: here is the link to Nicole's facebook if you want to find her:

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