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Started this discussion. Last reply by Dr. Mukesh Bhachawat Sep 27, 2014. 2 Replies 4 Likes
Kudos to Constellation for seeing the potential and celebrating community capacity to defeat the scourge of ebola.... I hope this short video will help a bit with the fear.... as a development…Continue
Tags: ebola
Posted on January 17, 2017 at 4:16pm 0 Comments 2 Likes
This is very much in line with the SALT approach, hope you enjoy this...
Making up your mind. Prioritizing and making it happen
* As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, "every man must decide whether he will walk in the…
ContinuePosted on December 19, 2014 at 4:28pm 2 Comments 3 Likes
What should projects accomplish… and for whom?
An unnamed international non-profit client contacted me to evaluate their resilience project mid-stream, to gauge prospects for sustainable handover. EUREKA, I thought! After email discussions with them I drafted an evaluation process that included learning from a variety of stakeholders, ranging from Ministries, local government and the national University who were to take over the programming work about what they thought would be most…
Posted on April 29, 2014 at 3:45pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Thought you'd all be interested in this - African community-based approach:
Posted on April 29, 2014 at 3:21pm 3 Comments 2 Likes
Stepping up community self-sustainability, one [Ethiopian] step at a time
Having just come back from evaluation and design fieldwork for an Ethiopian Red Cross (ERCS)/ Swedish Red Cross/ Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent project, the power of communities is still palpable in my mind. They know what great impact looks like. They know what activities they can best sustain themselves. It's up to us to ask, listen and…
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Thank Jindra, to have accepted my friend request. Avnish
grateful thank to have accepted my " friend" request to connect here and share Welcome
Thanks for uploading your profile photo, Jindra. Lovely! Happy to see you here. Please could you elaborate on your concern- desire of Int'l donors/ int'l non-profits to see participants as their true clients and focus programming on Demand, not Supply
Dear Jindra,
Welcome to Community Life Competence!
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Warm regards,
Marlou and Rituu