I'm passionate in working with local communities and floor level workers.I'm fully involved in potable water supply, food and nutrition security, irrigation and biomass fuel. I'm retired but still working very hard. It's so rwarding and I have a lot of fun!
My dream:
reducing morbidity of the -5 yr children in Bas-Congo and in Mauriania. Both places I know well and like to be.
I'm proud of:
Beying the Managing Director of the Value Engineering Systems (VESIX sa Belgium based). My say is Think Locally, Act Globally is very similar to Act Locally, Think globally. This scond comes later...
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Connect with members: We hope you will enjoy the opportunity to communicate with friends in all parts of the world. Under the Tab with ‘Members’ you can find people to connect with and members who share similar interest.
Post your experience: You can share your experiences with local responses and the competence process through putting up a blog. To post a blog, first sign in, then go to top of the page and click on the blue button ‘Our Stories’ and click on ‘+ Add ’. You can also comment on blogs posted by other members.
Requests: This the place where we learn together. If you want to discuss an element of the Competence process, or other issues related to local responses, please contribute to the forum. To participate in an ongoing discussion, sign in, go to the top of the page, click on the blue button ‘Requests’ and then click on topic of the discussion you are interested in. In the Request you have an option to start a discussion on a topic of your interest.
Again, we are very happy to have your voice on Community Life Competence and look forward to your contributions. You will find some suggestions and rules of play under the ‘help’ tab. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance. If you want support contact rituu[@]communitylifecompetence.org. To know more about the Community Life Competence approach, please visit http://www.communitylifecompetence.org
Nice to see you on Ning. I believe we have a lot to learn from your experience and I'm happy to read your profil.
I live in Brussels and I'm part of BelCompetence Team. It would be nice to meet you and share about your dream and the desire you have to share the Community Life Competence with potential partners.
Can I suggest you to join the Transfer Group on Ning?
Rituu B. Nanda
Dear Flory-Francois,
Welcome to Community Life Competence!
Could you add your picture as it adds a human touch to your profile? (go to 'settings' then 'upload photo')
Connect with members: We hope you will enjoy the opportunity to communicate with friends in all parts of the world. Under the Tab with ‘Members’ you can find people to connect with and members who share similar interest.
Post your experience: You can share your experiences with local responses and the competence process through putting up a blog. To post a blog, first sign in, then go to top of the page and click on the blue button ‘Our Stories’ and click on ‘+ Add ’. You can also comment on blogs posted by other members.
Requests: This the place where we learn together. If you want to discuss an element of the Competence process, or other issues related to local responses, please contribute to the forum. To participate in an ongoing discussion, sign in, go to the top of the page, click on the blue button ‘Requests’ and then click on topic of the discussion you are interested in. In the Request you have an option to start a discussion on a topic of your interest.
Again, we are very happy to have your voice on Community Life Competence and look forward to your contributions. You will find some suggestions and rules of play under the ‘help’ tab. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance. If you want support contact rituu[@]communitylifecompetence.org. To know more about the Community Life Competence approach, please visit http://www.communitylifecompetence.org
Warm regards,
Marlou and Rituu
May 9, 2014
Rituu B. Nanda
Hi Flory-Francois,
Wonderful to read your profile. We have applied our approach on WASH. Would you be available on skype to share on fundraising?
Would you like to join the Bel Competence group here, it is in French http://aidscompetence.ning.com/group/belcompetence
Welcome again!
May 9, 2014
khorchi laurie
Hi Flory-Francois,
Nice to see you on Ning. I believe we have a lot to learn from your experience and I'm happy to read your profil.
I live in Brussels and I'm part of BelCompetence Team. It would be nice to meet you and share about your dream and the desire you have to share the Community Life Competence with potential partners.
Can I suggest you to join the Transfer Group on Ning?
May 9, 2014