Saskia Davis


Seattle, WA

United States

Profile Information:

Saskia Davis
About Me:
I am signing up so that I can comment on a blog which displays something that I wrote. As it happens, I was, at that time, directing an organization which believed in people's capacity to solve problems. We were facilitating peer support groups for people with life threatening and chronic illnesses of all kinds; and we taught the facilitators of the first peer support groups for people with Aids in Seattle. I am no longer doing this work, though I still am a nurse.
My dream:
My dream is an inner peace pandemic! It is happening as I write.
From a ground of inner peace, it is much easier to make decisions, to make choices and to savor life. I wish this for people with Aids as well as for all people, everywhere.
I'm proud of:
I am working on being grateful rather than proud.

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  • Laurence Gilliot

    Hi Saskia,

    To upload you photo, did you already try to select a picture on your computer and then click on 'save' at the bottom of the page?

  • Rituu B. Nanda

    A very happy birthday!

  • Rituu B. Nanda

    Hi Saskia, a very happy birthday!