I am a dedicated and committed man; well educated currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Rural Development from Makerere University and my undergraduate degree is from Adult and Community Education (BACE) also from Makerere University, with a Post Graduate Diploma in Community Based Rehabilitation (PGD CBR) from Kyambogo University. These courses and the working experience both in Local Government, learning institutions and Non-Governmental Organization (NGOs) have greatly enhanced my knowledge and experience working with and for the community
Michael’s strong key skills lies in having good Communication skills both orally and interpersonally, result oriented with the ability of team work, working independently, self motivated and able to go an extra mile to achieve results, idea sharing and breaking the silence. These and more skills acquired both through studies and practical work have enabled me implement Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR), Community Development and Situational Analysis, Community Resource Mobilization and Utilization, office management, duty assignments, Lobbying and Advocating for the rights of OVCs as well as Project designing, planning and management
I believe in people bringing change by themselves
My dream:
See people change the world there are in, by themselves
I'm proud of:
Seeing PWDs and Older persons taken as useful people in the community
Rituu B. Nanda
Thanks for uploading your profile photo Miiro. You are doing great work in Uganda.
Feb 13, 2014
Well come aboard my friend Micheal. This is a right forum
Feb 13, 2014
Rituu B. Nanda
Hi Michael, you have been featured on this network for your active participation, getting new members and posting a blog. Many thanks!
Feb 14, 2014