Libby and Len Traubman

San Mateo, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Libby and Len Traubman
Jewish-Palestinian Living Room Dialogue
My dream:
Our dream is that people live in the reality of our one-ness -- listening-to-learn to one another -- no exceptions, including everyone -- and to Earth herself.

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  • ukeme okon

    Hello Libby&Len,


    Thanks for joining AIDS Competence, To share and connect with other potential people. Very interesting Video from Nigeria. Where in Nigeria was the programme implemented? My organization is also a member interfaith in Nigeria. Responding to HIV pandemic, own a support group (PLWAs), OVC interventon, HIV Counseling and Testing(HCT).....

    Any plan in coming to Nigeria? I would love to learn from you.





  • ukeme okon

    Hi Libby an Len, the video was quite an amazing one. Just want to ask some few question; how were you able to integrate yourself into the northern community(advocacy and lobbying? How were you able to mobilize all the participant? In 2008, we went on Mobile HIV Counselling and Testing to the north and it was very difficult for us to get them for testing. One of my team-mate had to disguess as a muslim woman before we could get people to test. I need your in help in resource mobilization. Thank and warm regards.

  • Rituu B. Nanda

    A very happy birthday! is it Libby or Len's? you are doing wonderful work. May God bless you.