Nsubuga Godfrey



Profile Information:

Nsubuga Godfrey
Community Hive Organisation
About Me:
My name is Nsubuga Godfrey, the Executive Director and one of the founders of Community Hive Organization (CHO). CHO is a community based organization that was legally registered in 2010 and given mandate by the government of Uganda to complement efforts to improve the general wellbeing of older persons and orphans and other vulnerable children under their care. The establishment of this organization was based on the fact that my friend and I are orphans. I personally lost my biological father to the disease the relatives did not know about. By the time he died, I was still a baby and I did not recognize him as a father. Due to the challenges people go through my mum was unable to support me and therefore took me to my grandmother when I was 3 months old. This grandmother never bore children and therefore took me as her son. I grew up under her care despite the tough situations she underwent. Because of her barrenness, all her relatives neglected her and I was the only relative, child, friend and at the same time a grandchild. Such a situation made me to imagine the way other older persons go through in their struggle to look after their grandchildren. My friend also had the similar situation. My friend and I were working in the same organization that was supporting people with HIV/AIDS, Children, disabled and women but had no intentions for older persons. One day we made an informed decision and quitted the jobs that we had. There came in the idea of establishing Community Hive Organization purposely to provide support services to marginalized older persons in traditional communities of Uganda. I have a dream that one day CHO will be one of the few national if not international organizations that will have 9 centers serving thousands of older persons to improve their general well-being.
Education wise, I hold a diploma in social work and social administration obtained from Makerere Institute of Social Development (MISD) and pursuing a Bachelor of Science of project planning and management from Ndejje University. I am pursuing this degree to strengthen my capacity to run and manage this organization and also be able to meet my comprehensive dream. I still welcome more training opportunities to generate in-depth information and data on issues of older persons especially making communities appreciate them the way they are and look at them as assets and not liabilities. I do believe that all of us in the world have three options in life and are not negotiable.
1. One has to be a child
2. One becomes a youth
3. One grows old and as you grow old, you undergo a number of challenges of which some are biological and physical. Many youth fear these changes. Therefore it is important to create a platform for those that are currently old such that by the time we also grow old, we shall be having those to care about us (we reap what we sow). It is a human responsibility to give back to the community and it is exactly what Community Hive Organization is all about.
My dream:
By the year 2030, CHO will be seen serving thousands of older persons. I dream that the organization will have a headquarter in Wakiso District but with nine coordination/ field offices in other areas to ease older persons’ accessibility to; basic medical care services, psychosocial support services, income generating activities for increased household incomes, basic needs (food, shelter, clothing and education for them and orphans). I also dream that CHO will buy 5 acres of land and establish JAAJA’s home. This home will be meant to house older persons that are living in impoverished environment and whose origins are untraceable. I am aware that our government discourages housing of this nature because communities will abdicate their roles but through the CHO experience working with communities it is unavoidable. And remember, changing human behavior/community ideologies is a gradual process, which may not benefit vulnerable and marginalized older persons who urgently need support. Truthfully some communities are impoverished to the extent that they also need support to enable them support others, CHO will train home care assistants who will work with and look after older persons while in the JAAJA’s home and those that will be still in their communities. The home care assistants will be the out of school youth especially the school dropouts at senior four and six due to tuition default. They will be paid some little money and negotiate how they can go back to school or join vocational training centers. This will enable them not to burnout as they care for older persons. By this way CHO will be providing employment for youth and at the same time reducing the rate of illiteracy of the community people.
I also dream that in the same premise, we shall establish a big recreational Centre where older persons will be encouraged to make exercises to maintain fitness, play indoor and outdoor games, crafts making, music dance and drama among others as psychotherapy.
For the sustainability of the JAAJA’s home I dream to set up an agricultural farm to produce full diet food to feed the older persons.
To make this dream come true, the CHO team welcomes new friends to put efforts together to fight for the plight of an older person. Volunteers are most welcome. Partnership is important because there is a lot to share and learn.
From the training I have had with Ministry of gender, Labour and social development Uganda in partnership with Medical Research Council and Constellation France, I have been empowered with knowledge and skills on how to use the Community Life Competence approach and Easy Care instrument. I honestly appreciate the facilitators such as Marlou, Francien, Patrick, Michael, Arthur for the knowledge I am yet to share with the entire CHO team and/ or bring more youths on board.
I'm proud of:
I am proud of being a grown up mature minded youth under the care of my grandmother. Had it not been her support and the challenges I went through along with her, I would not have thought of a dream such as this.
I am also proud that the government of Uganda has created favorable environment for all Age Care organizations to work peacefully. In this it has put in place the national policy for older persons (2009), National Act for older persons (2012) as a basis for designing, planning programs that best suit older persons.
I am proud of the CHO team that is qualified, committed and dedicated towards improving the general wellbeing of older persons and orphans.

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  • Marlou

    Hi my friend - I am very happy you joined and I look forward to you sharing and learning together with others on this platform. I know with your determination you will make your dream work - I will be watching and encouraging that! With best wishes, Marlou

  • Rituu B. Nanda

    Sorry, I missed your message. You are doing great work in Uganda. A warm welcome here. Share your work with stories...we need inspiration and energy.

  • Rituu B. Nanda

    I read your message. Keep us posted on your work. Thanks for uploading your profile photo