I live in Chennai. basically a philosopher and spiritual too.Married to another philosopher. I have one daughter who is doing her Ph.D in Environmental Science. I am working in the field of HIV and AIDS.
My dream:
To work with marginalised women. To see that equal opportunities are offered to every woman. I am striving to make this part of my life
I'm proud of:
My daughter, who does work in the deep forest and handles her problems as a woman.
Welcome to the youth competence group! SIAAP has rich experience with youth and we look forward to learning from you. Good luck for the Nari Saksham event.
Rituu B. Nanda
Jan 20, 2011
Dear Mam,
Its really great to see your work keep up your good work.
Venkat Reddy
Nov 17, 2012
so nice
Jun 18, 2013