Miiro Michael

47, Male



Profile Information:

Miiro Michael
About Me:
I am a dedicated and committed man; well educated currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Rural Development from Makerere University and my undergraduate degree is from Adult and Community Education (BACE) also from Makerere University, with a Post Graduate Diploma in Community Based Rehabilitation (PGD CBR) from Kyambogo University. These courses and the working experience both in Local Government, learning institutions and Non-Governmental Organization (NGOs) have greatly enhanced my knowledge and experience working with and for the community

Michael’s strong key skills lies in having good Communication skills both orally and interpersonally, result oriented with the ability of team work, working independently, self motivated and able to go an extra mile to achieve results, idea sharing and breaking the silence. These and more skills acquired both through studies and practical work have enabled me implement Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR), Community Development and Situational Analysis, Community Resource Mobilization and Utilization, office management, duty assignments, Lobbying and Advocating for the rights of OVCs as well as Project designing, planning and management

I believe in people bringing change by themselves
My dream:
See people change the world there are in, by themselves
I'm proud of:
Seeing PWDs and Older persons taken as useful people in the community

Comment Wall:

  • Rituu B. Nanda

    Dear Miiro,

    Welcome to Community Life Competence! 

    Could you add your picture as it adds a human touch to your profile? (go to 'settings' then 'upload photo')

     Connect with members: We hope you will enjoy the opportunity to communicate with friends in all parts of the world. Under the Tab with ‘Members’ you can find people to connect with and members who share similar interest.

    Post your experience: You can share your experiences with local responses and the competence process through putting up a blog. To post a blog, first sign in, then go to top of the page and click on the blue button ‘Our Stories’ and click on ‘+ Add ’. You can also comment on blogs posted by other members.

    Requests: This the place where we learn together. If you want to discuss an element of the Competence process, or other issues related to local responses, please contribute to the forum. To participate in an ongoing discussion, sign in, go to the top of the page, click on the blue button ‘Requests’ and then click on topic of the discussion you are interested in. In the Request you have an option to start a discussion on a topic of your interest.

    Again, we are very happy to have your voice on Community Life Competence and look forward to your contributions. You will find some suggestions and rules of play under the ‘help’ tab. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance. If you want support contact rituu[@]communitylifecompetence.org. To know more about the Community Life Competence approach, please visit http://www.communitylifecompetence.org 

    Warm regards,

    Marlou and Rituu