I am currently a doctoral candidate at Florida State University and majoring in Socio-cultural and International Development Education Studies under the department of Ed.Leadership. My academic interests revolve around gender and development, Educational Policy Evaluation and Lifelong learning for school dropouts, and including girls and women with low educational qualifications.
My dream:
My dreams include to immensely contribute to the research and the formulation of sound educational policies that would contribute, empirically, to the ongoing search for knowledge in developing countries on how to effectively prevent the relapse into illiteracy; a common phenomenon among girls and women with low educational attainments. I hope to achieve this by identifying the further learning needs of this demography of girls and women through the use of Participatory Action Research.
I'm proud of:
Being an Africa, a female and doing my quota to contribute to efforts that aim to increase women's efficiency in their productive roles in Africa.
Welcome to Community Life Competence! Its a pleasure to see you here.
Could you add your picture as it adds a human touch to your profile? (go to 'settings' then 'upload photo')
Connect with members: We hope you will enjoy the opportunity to communicate with friends in all parts of the world. Under the Tab with Members you can find people to connect with and members who share similar interest.
Post your experience: You can share your experiences with local responses and the competence process through putting up a blog. To post a blog, first sign in, then go to top of the page and click on the blue button ‘Blogs’ and click on ‘+ Add a Blog Post’. You can also comment on blogs posted by other members.
Discussion Forum: Our FORUM is the place where we learn together. If you want to discuss an element of the Competence process, or other issues related to local responses, please contribute to the forum. To participate in an ongoing discussion, sign in, go to the top of the page, click on the blue button ‘FORUM’ and then click on topic of the discussion you are interested in. In the FORUM you have an option to start a discussion on a topic of your interest.
Again, we are very happy to have your voice on Community Life Competence and look forward to your contributions. You will find some suggestions and rules of play under the ‘help’ tab. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance. If you have want support contact laurence[@]communitylifecompetence.org To know more about the Community Life Competence approach, please visit http://www.communitylifecompetence.org
A warm welcome Haddy! I am currently engaged in Participation Action Research. We did the baseline and in the coming months would be doing the end line. I would like to learn from your experience in Participatory action research. I enjoy it very much. Do you?
There are many people here who have vast experience in PAR. My first taste of PAR came in Jan 2010 which we used to measure the progress of community life process in Nagaland India. I loved how communities led the process from asking questions to analysing data. A lesson I learned from it was that if communities themselves were engaged in framing questions it would lead to even greater ownership. Here are the photos: http://aidscompetence.ning.com/photo/albums/participatory-action-re...
Currently I am part of the evaluation team of IDRC funded project of sex workers with two organisations in India and Cambodia where we are using PAR.
reading your profile, I have noticed your interest in women and girls status and rights. so, perhaps you would like to pay a visit to the women's org. I am a member of -
Laurence Gilliot
Dear Haddy,
Welcome to Community Life Competence! Its a pleasure to see you here.
Could you add your picture as it adds a human touch to your profile? (go to 'settings' then 'upload photo')
Connect with members: We hope you will enjoy the opportunity to communicate with friends in all parts of the world. Under the Tab with Members you can find people to connect with and members who share similar interest.
Post your experience: You can share your experiences with local responses and the competence process through putting up a blog. To post a blog, first sign in, then go to top of the page and click on the blue button ‘Blogs’ and click on ‘+ Add a Blog Post’. You can also comment on blogs posted by other members.
Discussion Forum: Our FORUM is the place where we learn together. If you want to discuss an element of the Competence process, or other issues related to local responses, please contribute to the forum. To participate in an ongoing discussion, sign in, go to the top of the page, click on the blue button ‘FORUM’ and then click on topic of the discussion you are interested in. In the FORUM you have an option to start a discussion on a topic of your interest.
Again, we are very happy to have your voice on Community Life Competence and look forward to your contributions. You will find some suggestions and rules of play under the ‘help’ tab. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance. If you have want support contact laurence[@]communitylifecompetence.org To know more about the Community Life Competence approach, please visit http://www.communitylifecompetence.org
Warm regards,
LaurenceAug 15, 2011
Rituu B. Nanda
Aug 15, 2011
Rituu B. Nanda
Lovey photo Haddy!
There are many people here who have vast experience in PAR. My first taste of PAR came in Jan 2010 which we used to measure the progress of community life process in Nagaland India. I loved how communities led the process from asking questions to analysing data. A lesson I learned from it was that if communities themselves were engaged in framing questions it would lead to even greater ownership. Here are the photos: http://aidscompetence.ning.com/photo/albums/participatory-action-re...
Currently I am part of the evaluation team of IDRC funded project of sex workers with two organisations in India and Cambodia where we are using PAR.
Aug 15, 2011
Marie Chorr
Aug 17, 2011
irit hakim-keller
Hello Haddy,
thanks for your friendship. nice to meet you.
reading your profile, I have noticed your interest in women and girls status and rights. so, perhaps you would like to pay a visit to the women's org. I am a member of -
enjoy your time here in CLC - a wonderful site, of wonderful Rituu. welcome:)
Aug 21, 2011
irit hakim-keller
Thanks Haddy. I am glad to meet you.
Pls stay in touch.
Aug 22, 2011
irit hakim-keller
Hi Haddy,
This is a link to our Volunteering page, in case it is interesting you.
Have a nice weekend:)
Aug 26, 2011