I am an Australian currently working in Chiang Mai, Thailand for the Thai youth organization TYAP. I am 25 and I am the eldest of 3 siblings, who I consider not only my family but my best friends, i miss all the places i have been in the world especially the friends I have made in each place, but in saying that I look forward to seeing new places and making new friends.
Welcome to Community Life Competence! Could you please add your picture because it adds a human touch to your profile (go to 'settings' then 'upload photo')?
We hope you will enjoy the opportunity to communicate with colleagues and friends in all parts of the world.
Please take some time to walk through this virtual Constellation home.
You will find many opportunities for connecting, sharing and learning.
Connecting: Under the Tab with Members you find people to connect or to reconnect with directly, on their personal pages. The search function will certainly be of help! We encourage you to make your own page your personal ‘home’ which allows for a conversation from human to human - online.
Sharing Experiences: In the blogs we are sharing our experiences with local responses and the competence process. These experiences and stories do not require a discussion or exchange, but comments are welcome! Some stories in the blog link directly to our knowledge asset (see tab knowledge asset).I am sure your experience will be useful to others!
Learning Together: Our Forum is the place where we learn together. If you want to discuss an element of the Competence process, or other issues related to local responses, please contribute to the forum.
Again, we are very happy to have your voice on Community Life Competence and look forward to your contributions.
You will find some suggestions and rules of play under the ‘help’ tab.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance. If you have want support for writing your blog, contact me.
Laurence Gilliot
Welcome to Community Life Competence! Could you please add your picture because it adds a human touch to your profile (go to 'settings' then 'upload photo')?
We hope you will enjoy the opportunity to communicate with colleagues and friends in all parts of the world.
Please take some time to walk through this virtual Constellation home.
You will find many opportunities for connecting, sharing and learning.
Connecting: Under the Tab with Members you find people to connect or to reconnect with directly, on their personal pages. The search function will certainly be of help! We encourage you to make your own page your personal ‘home’ which allows for a conversation from human to human - online.
Sharing Experiences: In the blogs we are sharing our experiences with local responses and the competence process. These experiences and stories do not require a discussion or exchange, but comments are welcome! Some stories in the blog link directly to our knowledge asset (see tab knowledge asset).I am sure your experience will be useful to others!
Learning Together: Our Forum is the place where we learn together. If you want to discuss an element of the Competence process, or other issues related to local responses, please contribute to the forum.
Again, we are very happy to have your voice on Community Life Competence and look forward to your contributions.
You will find some suggestions and rules of play under the ‘help’ tab.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance. If you have want support for writing your blog, contact me.
Warm regards,
Mar 25, 2010
Rituu B. Nanda
A warm welcome!
I especially liked what you said that you take every challenge as an opportunity. Its not what happens to you but how you respond to it. Isn't it?
Good luck for your meeting and hope to see your story soon.
Best regards,
PS: Please do add your photograph.
Mar 25, 2010
Dewi Rahmadania
missing u allready..,
i ll send u aspirit clap from Indonesia..!
Mar 29, 2010