Advocacy for SALT

For the past 11 months, I've had the privilege of being coached by Veena Pillai, a certified professional coach and Diversity & Inclusion Consultant in Mumbai. With 25 years of leadership experience and a global perspective, Veena's rich background adds depth to her guidance.

My time with Veena has been amazing. My learning curve went really high, thanks to her insights and support. As our formal coaching time comes to an end, I reflect on the profound impact this experience has had on my personal and professional growth.

Recently, I shared the SALT framework and conversation model with Veena. Her response was overwhelmingly positive:

"Very impressive framework... This framework goes deep into the psychology of human beings, emphasizing appreciation, identifying the biggest strengths, and executing team goals together. The whole are you. And how to reach a goal that connects the team for a transformation is very much enabling through this framework. Thank you so much for sharing Sadia."

Veena's enthusiasm for the SALT framework and her plan to use it in her sessions reaffirm the value of this approach. It shows how powerful the right tools and perspectives can be in influencing growth and achieving goals. As a SALT ambassador, I felt really inspired to see the enthusiasm in her.

As I conclude this phase of my coaching journey, I am grateful for the lessons learned and the inspiration gained. I look forward to seeing the continued impact of Veena's coaching in my life and the lives of others she coaches.

  • Rituu B. Nanda

    Thanks Sadia! What is one thing you learned from Veena? So that we can learn as well:-) 

  • Sadia Jafrin

    I learned the importance of work delegation. Earlier, I used to do everything myself, but now I delegate tasks that others can handle. This allows me to focus more on strategic work. I also started writing regularly because she inspired me a lot.

  • Rituu B. Nanda

    Wonderful Sadia!