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Laurence Gilliot's Comments

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At 11:18am on May 28, 2013, Rituu B. Nanda said…

A very happy birthday dear Laurence. We miss you here. Warm wishes and love on your special day.

At 8:23pm on August 15, 2011, Haddy said…

Hi Laurence,

Thanks for the welcome. I look forward to reading more from you~



At 7:34am on July 29, 2011, Nkurikiyinka Valens said…

Salut Laurence,

Oui c'est ma fille Belinda, mon tresor. Oui tout va bien mais tellement occupe.

See you


At 10:06pm on July 28, 2011, Dilipsing Bayas said…
Dear Laurence, Thanks for your welcome message..
At 10:42am on June 20, 2011, Rituu B. Nanda said…

Hi Lau, welcome to Asia pacific competence group! your presence gives me strength.

At 3:47pm on May 28, 2011, Tricia Francis said…

Because time itself is like a spiral, something special happens on your birthday each year: The same energy that God invested in you at birth is present once again, and it's the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip ;-)



At 2:24pm on May 27, 2011, HUTCHISON Florence said…
At 5:02am on May 17, 2011, Claire Campbell said…

Hi Laurence,


she is growing fast - already 2 years old!

how are you these days.

The practices were 5 key components of 'transfer'.  the group, comprised people - champions of the Fire Learning Network,  from communties where we are working around teh state of Victoria were identified by the group through a 3 stage process of dissecting transfer - what is it, what can it look like, what gets trasnferred, how etc...Dissecting%20Transfer.doci have posted the full experince to the transfer team blog.    i'll attach it here as well

At 11:32pm on March 18, 2011, irit hakim-keller said…

Hello Laurence,

Thank you for the warm welcoming.

I hope I can share knowledge and experience.

have a nice weekend.

At 3:51pm on March 10, 2011, Ymani Simmons said…

Greetings Laurence and thank you for the warm welcome. I look forward to learning from all of you.




At 5:54am on March 8, 2011, Dr. Soma Bhowmick said…
Hey Laurence.....thanks so much......real beauty lies within us keep in touch.....
At 1:57am on February 23, 2011, Kith Marady said…

Dear Laurence,

I would like to express thank to your comments. I am walking to see other friends.


With regards,


At 12:04pm on February 14, 2011, ukeme okon said…

Dear Laurence,

Today makes it a year on AIDS Competence.

Please remember to Send those Documents i requested for.


Thanks For The Great Connection.


Warm Regards

At 11:01am on February 14, 2011, ukeme okon said…

Dear Laurence,

Just a few thought; What does it take's to invite the contellation to facilitate a process in my country?

Maybe having one or two coaches coming to facilitate (Monitoring & Evaluation, Programme Design, Proposal Writing, Pre/Post Couseling, AIDS/TB/Malaria Training).


I will be grateful if you would help me do this big favor. We need this trainning.


Thanks For all the grate support.


Warm Regards



At 2:27pm on February 10, 2011, Rituu B. Nanda said…
A warm welcome to Peace competence group! thanks for sharing story from Onesmus.
At 7:02am on January 14, 2011, Tony Ghaye said…

Hi Laurence,


Wonderful to hear from you. Very happy to share experiences of how we think of non-violent communication and how we try to do it based upon the idea of an 'appreciative conversation' . I will get back to you over the weekend if this is ok. Thank you for making contect.


At 9:59am on January 12, 2011, Gilbert NIYONKURU said…

Toutes mes salutations. juste pour te dire que je suis intéressé par "Youth competence group". Toutes mes félicitations pour avoir pensé à crééer ce groupe. je vais t'envoyer d'ici peu de jour le rapport de la visite Salt effectué chez les hommosexuels regroupé au sein d'une association dénommé "HUMURA" membre de l'ABS. Bonne suite.

At 9:00am on January 12, 2011, Rituu B. Nanda said…
A warm welcome to youth competence group!
At 10:16am on December 23, 2010, Vichet LOK said…
Dear Laurance: Thanks for your comment. Actually, we do the SALT ans Self Assessment within CHED team.
At 1:10pm on December 15, 2010, Aruna Hewapathirane said…

Dear Laurence,

Thank you my friend.


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