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Stories about Response (2,394)

Tuktuk drivers in Mattakkuliya give free rides to VCT centre.

Sri Lanka is a low prevalence country inspite of having a high prevalence of risk behaviour. Mattakkuliya, situated in the heart of the Colombo city, is peculiar in that common perception is that it is inhabited with aggressive, socially destructive and uneducated people. Lots of crimes do originate from the area. Youth in the area also have different characteristics to those in other parts of the country. They are extremely outgoing, there is little interest in getting educated and learning… Continue

Added by Kalana on February 6, 2009 at 4:00pm — 1 Comment

Full concept paper - Decent Care Values in Palliative Care Services

In response to MariJo's request, here's the full concept paper excerpted in my previous blog. Hope other friends will find it useful as well. Let me know if you would like to get in touch with the event organizers and/or some participants of that event, and I'll be happy to provide some contacts for you.




Decent Care Values in Palliative Care Services

WHO - Office of Partnerships, Geneva

In many ways… Continue

Added by Usa Duongsaa on February 2, 2009 at 4:20pm — No Comments

Retrieved email on SALT

Re: SALT in Masbate Done!

Posted by: "Joseph Carlo Carillo" boracacai

Thu Oct 11, 2007 2:08 am (PST)

hello people from sun shiny boracay island!

Im in a swimsuit as we now correspond, Tino was asked to come over by malay AIDS Council for another business, nkisakay na lang ako to serve salt, with a little sugar and spice and Im the evrything nice.Its a good experience for me and the group and the insights are profound. Ill be doing it with John… Continue

Added by miel nora on January 24, 2009 at 3:00pm — 1 Comment

My experience in the Global Consultation on 'Decent Care Values in Palliative Care Services' in Tunis

Dear friends,

During 12-16 Jan.09 I had an opportunity to attend the WHO- Ford Foundation Global Consultation on 'Decent Care Values in Palliative Care Services' in Tunis, Tunisia. The experience was very interesting so I would like to share it with you.

I assume many friends in this virtual community are new to palliative care and decent care, just like me :-) So please allow me to start with the following excerpt from the consultation’s concept paper:

“The… Continue

Added by Usa Duongsaa on January 22, 2009 at 5:30pm — 2 Comments

DAKAR: My Story

I was a bit worried when I got my Dakar itinerary, it would be my first visit to Africa and ….. arrived at 11:55?. I got Meike’s (HIVOS) bunch of emails on some tips in the Dakar airport….do not bring much cash, do not withdraw money at the airport, you have to bargain for the taxy…. hm….confused but excited! It would be my first time joins the Constellation team in facilitating the training outside of my country.

Then, I was lucky enough to have Mukhotib, a participant from… Continue

Added by Risya Kori on January 16, 2009 at 7:45am — 1 Comment

The Constellation is a Starfish organization

I sit in a packed train from Brussels to Amsterdam passing by snow covered villages in the beautiful Belgian countryside. I am reflecting about a very intense week and pondering how to summarize this in one blog.

It started with two days of reflective action with our multinational Core Facilitation Team (CFT) in Brussels about our ‘business models for the future’. Phil Forth tossed the most important word of the two days: FRACTAL. Like a snowflake consists of all similar snowflake… Continue

Added by Gaston on January 14, 2009 at 9:57am — 6 Comments

The Storytelling in people lives

To some of you I have talked about a project I have put in place 8 months ago with a couple of coleagues. The title of the project is "Healing through our stories: women constructing the historial memory of HIV" and it is about the storytelling, about the capacity we all have to tell our own stories and the healing power of those stories.

It is 10 year now I have started to use folck and fairy tales as a starting point to a deeper reflection on who we are and how we relate to others.… Continue

Added by MariJo on January 9, 2009 at 10:36pm — 12 Comments

Developments in 2008

I want to share with you what I see as core developments of the Constellation in the past year. I have been following the progress of the Constellation from the distance and I could see during the SALT visits and the Board Meeting in September that it is becoming a mature movement. I feel really proud of being part of this growing group of people working together for a better world and happier communities.

And thank you to Laurence for being such a "SALTy"… Continue

Added by MariJo on January 8, 2009 at 5:36pm — 2 Comments

It is all in the way you look at people

Probably the least inspiring place on beautiful Bali is Kuta Beach: Highly touristic with all side-effects as a deplorable result; a polluted beach, red burnt and drunken Aussies in a Karaoke Bar, prostitution, no room for authentic culture or nature – and the continued fear for another bomb attack that would undo Bali’s current source of income and identity. And then these vendors - omnipresent! Young children, teenagers and mothers with children… Continue

Added by Marlou on January 6, 2009 at 3:32pm — 5 Comments

new no-hair

its been two weeks of slump in the philippines, the longest holiday in history (11 days).

Cleaned my junk, and with all the accumulated dust and mess in my house went all the accumulated negative energies and my hair.

I was just in THAT zone this past two weeks, I have this queer (ofcourse) feeling that I need to revisit things and really look into what is important for me and for all the I am ready to mean and for all that I am ready to stand for. so shaved goes the head, ive been… Continue

Added by Caca Carillo on January 5, 2009 at 6:47am — 1 Comment

Bonne Année?

A la Constellation nous célébrons le nouvel an à tellement de dates différentes, selon divers calendriers. Alors pourquoi se réjouir aujourd'hui ? Et quelle raison avons-nous de nous réjouir, entourés que nous sommes par tant de souffrances ? Notre joie ne serait-elle qu’indifférence à la situation difficile de tant de nos voisins?

Pourtant, je suis heureux et reconnaissant. Je vous suis reconnaissant d’avoir décidé de révéler les forces d'autrui plutôt que de s’appesantir sur leurs… Continue

Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on January 3, 2009 at 1:14pm — No Comments

Happy New Year?

Constellation friends celebrate New Year on so many different days of so many different calendars. So why rejoice today? And should we rejoice, surrounded as we are by a sea of human suffering? Does our joy reveal anything else but our indifference to our neighbors’ plight?

Still, I am grateful and happy. I am grateful to all of you who have decided to reveal strength in others rather than to point at their shortcomings. I am grateful to all of you who have adopted AIDS and life… Continue

Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on January 3, 2009 at 12:52pm — 4 Comments

A reflection on the T in SALT

For some time now I have had a personal discomfort with the T is for Transform in SALT. So I thought I would raise the issue.

I am very comfortable with the idea that as a member of a SALT Team, I Support, I Appreciate, I Learn and I Transfer.

But I do not Transform.

And I do not Transform at 2 levels.

First of all, I do not Transform people. If people are transformed (which I will question later), then they transform themselves. I neither claim nor… Continue

Added by Phil on January 3, 2009 at 10:24am — 6 Comments

4 ans déjà!

Le 16 décembre dernier, je rencontre le staff du groupe Pivot, à Bamako.

Mr Diarra me dit : « Savez-vous que vous avez donné votre interview à RFI il y a quatre ans exactement ? – Je le sais, parce que je l’écoute encore régulièrement»

Merci Mr Diarra de m’avoir rappelé cette interview.

C’était le tout début de la Constellation.

Voici l’interview pour ceux qui voudraient l’écouter !…


Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on December 27, 2008 at 4:00pm — 1 Comment

Christmass message


Christmas is here with us. Its a time to cellebrate but more so to reflect. What has been our persoal achievement the year arround. How bussy have we been to not share an inspiring story with our friends. As we all gear up to the festivities lets not forget that the virus always spreads faster during such festive seasons. This season offers us an opportunity to practise SALT in our homes and within the company of friends whom we rearly meet. Lets all pull together to spread… Continue

Added by Onesmus Kalama on December 23, 2008 at 1:52pm — 1 Comment

A Christmas Story

I would like to tell you of something that happened to me this week that has given me immense pleasure. I don't know that it has got much to do with AIDS Competence, but never mind.

During the week a friend fowarded an e-mail from one of her friends about a review of a book called 'The Living Mountain' by a woman called Nan Shepherd. It was a reprint of a book that had been out of print for a long time. The book is about the Cairngorm Mountains in the north of Scotland and as my… Continue

Added by Phil on December 21, 2008 at 7:17pm — 1 Comment

SALT stimulating 'Holy Anger'

Last week i participated into the Tanzania Knowledge room moderators training held in one of the major truck stop along the Central Corridor (called Chalinze) During the SALT visit i learnt something that touched my heart: When communities are engaged through the SALT approach; on how they are responding, issues worrying them in life and their dream. They deeply reflect on themselves and wonder!,they become angered and generate passion to act.As they ask themselves on why it has taken them too… Continue

Added by Onesmus Mutuku on December 20, 2008 at 10:26am — 5 Comments

Ongoing community conversations: Stimulating & deepening community capacity to Care and Change.

In September 2008, The Kenya NFT gathered in Mombasa to participate in the Knowledge room moderators training.During this time the team immersed themselves into a local community(Truck stop) for SALT visit. The encounter with the neighborhood was inspiring to both the team and the community.....'Ongoing community conversation are a good thing in this community. It will help people

to wake up and acknowledge their is a problem that needs to be addressed.... I have

been around here for… Continue

Added by Onesmus Mutuku on December 20, 2008 at 9:38am — 4 Comments

Combining ACP with GIPA, Thailand's Northern PHA Network Is Looking for Strengths and Mobilizing the Community

Suriya and Prapan from the Thai Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS (TNP) - Upper North joined the ADB-NGOCompetence from the very beginning and have diligently attended all the learning events. Although at the beginning they were not sure how the AIDS Competence Process could be applied to the work of people living with HIV/AIDS and whether they would be able to learn sufficient skills to apply them. They were encouraged by the coaches to practice what they could after the kick-off workshop… Continue

Added by Usa Duongsaa on December 18, 2008 at 8:27pm — 2 Comments

Un partage d'expériences fructueux

Quelques facilitateurs de RDCCompétence se sont rencontrés ce samedi 13 déc 2008 entre 9h et 12h pour partager leurs expériences. L'une des questions du partage était celle de savoir de quoi chacun d'eux était fier pendant cette année 2008 où la structure a fonctionné rien qu'avec ses propres ressources (sans appui extérieur).

Lisons attentivement les réactions de chacun:


Cette année, j'ai réalisé encore plus la différence entre les Salt et les autres… Continue

Added by Ngabala Eric on December 16, 2008 at 6:30am — 5 Comments

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