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A word about Tags

In order to find useful content it is important that we tag our stories consistently. When you have added your story, consider which tags to add. There is now a pull down list. By having a standard list we can ensure the spelling is exactly the same.  You can add more than one tag. Consider which tags are most useful to people searching for inspiration to responses.

If you are looking for ideas to improve your own response you can also search on the list of tags next to the search box.

You may choose to add tags that are not on the list or suggest new ones. Consider whether they are useful, or if a text search would work just as well. We will follow how they are used and if they are used frequently we can add them to the list. If tags are unused we may remove them from the list. Over time the list will reflect the use made of the tags. Currently we offer tags by  Theme, Process and Practice.

If you want to update the tags to your previous stories we cannot yet give you a pull down list. Copy exactly the tag you want to use and edit your tags under Options when you have selected your story. 


  • Write new tags in quotation marks when they are composed of more than two words; Use lower case letters.
  • Country: If your story describes a local response, please specify the name of country as a tag.  If the name of the country has more than two words, please use its initials.
  • Partner: When appropriate, please specify the name of the partner who facilitated the local response as a tag. If the name of the partner has more than two words, please use its initials.
  • Community: If your story describes a local response, please specify the name of the community in the story.
  • Author: Please do not use your name as a tag. To find a list of blogs written by a member, visit his or her page and click on ‘Blog posts’ under his or her picture.

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