Alex Osterwalder


Lausanne, Switzerland


Profile Information:

Alexander Osterwalder
Osterwalder Strategy Facilitation
About Me:
author, speaker & adviser on business model innovation
My dream:
people working together globally towards better futures

Comment Wall:

  • Marlou

    Dear Alex,

    Welcome to Aidscompetence, so happy that you join here. Very original 'picture'!
    The Constellation is currently thinking through it's business models, as we are catching up with the changes that are and have been happening since we started 4 years ago. So we may be knocking on your door for your insights on our plans some day, if you don't mind. Will you keep me informed on when your book is available?

    We hope you will enjoy this platform as an opportunity to communicate with friends, colleagues and like minded people in all parts of the world.

    Please take some time to walk through this virtual Constellation home.
    You will find many opportunities for connecting, sharing and learning. Meet old friends and make new friends by visiting people’s personal pages. Or ‘listen’ to their stories in their Blog. Share your experiences in the discussion forum, share your pictures or watch the video’s. And invite your own friends in as you wish!

    Again, we are very happy to have your voice on Aids Competence and look forward to your contributions.
    You will find some suggestions and rules of play under the ‘help’ tab.
    Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance.

    Warm regards,

  • Lawan Vejapikul

    Hi Alex,

    Nice to see you again!!!
    Happy new year to you and your family.
    Wishing you all a great year : )

  • Jean-Louis Lamboray

    Bienvenue Alex.

    Cela nous fait vraiment plaisir de t'accueillir sur cette plateforme